Batman New 52 Comic Discussion


Sr Member
So I've been reading all these for a while and love them to death. Does anyone else here read these? Been trying to get my hands on some of the variants but they're quite pricey now days. I missed the Death of the Family issues unfortunately, but am going to pick them up shortly here. I was trying to figure out if they can have any appearances by Superman or any of the Justice League since there's actually a Justice League comic from the New 52. I know Nightwing #4 has an appearance by Batgirl so its slightly more rare, but have yet to see Batman show up in his series.
I recently read the Court of Owls story in TPB form. I was TOTALLY with the first book. Awesome. Then I read Night of and it was a decent companion read. Then I read City; 3 reprints of issues in Night of and then the most half-assed, trite, supposed to shock but merely a cheap way to sell books ending I have read in a LONG time. I have been wanting to read the Batman series though and haven't been able to pick up the TPBs of it.
I only read the core batman titles, Detective, Dark Knight, Batman, Batman & Robin, and Batman Inc. I've been reading them since the new 52 launch.

Death of the Family was an awesome story Arc, definitely one of my favourites. As for appearances by other DC characters, I'd have to reread them again but off the top of my head, there really isn't any guest appearances. I mean you'll see Red Hood, Knightwing, Robin, RedRobin, and I believe batgirl shows up. No one really major although Superman shows up for a short story they threw in the back of a few issues.
So far none of the heroes that aren't part of the Bat Family have shown up in the Batman titles (at least none of the ones I read, and I read most). The various Justice Leagues have stayed in their own books, aside from Throne of Atlantis and now the Trinity War. For the first year at least DC made a concerted effort to keep everyone to their own playgrounds (team books aside). With the crossovers starting to come again it'll likely ramp up over time, but so far no heroes not part of the Bat Family have shown up in Gotham. If you need a Batman/Superman fix they have a new title for the two of them finally.

Definitely pick up Death of the Family.

Edit: Right, forgot the one backup story that had a Superman guest spot. Don't think it was anything to write home about, since I forgot about it.
That's too bad, I was really looking forward to seeing some good Superman/ Batman action. I think its interesting that all the other Batman characters show up in his line, but when Catwoman shows up in Nightwing's line its a big deal lol. I read about a surprise guest appearance in the new issue of Nightwing so maybe someone cool will show up. Supposedly they have some big plans for Hush whenever he shows up in the New 52.
I only read batman, and honestly a little disappointed in it. Wasn't a big fan of the owls, it didn't seem Death in the family was the main focal point for this book, of course it impacted the characters but most of it played out I think in the other titles and now they're on the origin re-telling. I sorta wish i would of picked Detective when the 52 launched, I just kept Batman because that's what I had been following for years before the new-52.
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