Batman dead end belt


Well-Known Member

Just started to put together my dead end suit. I know I can get an accurate cowl from a bro on here. Gloves won't be a problem nor the under armor. Boots will be difficult.

So I thought I would start with the belt. After some research I put together the belt. 8 small pouches and 2 large pouches most people have told me it only had only one large pouch. But with research found there was 2.

The pics are not very good.( will take better ones)
The buckle is Black not gray as it looks in the picture.





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The base belt is one of those Garand ammo repro belts right? I used the exact same thing on my Halo 1 Mk V years ago. Good quality stuff.
Thanks guys. Easy belt to make. Hardest part was researching it. There is not a lot of good pics out there to get it accurate. But patience and perseverance is the key. Next part will be the boots


Would love to see the suit distressed and dirtied up. Think that most people do the grey suits but they just look to clean.

Great belt!
Would love to see the suit distressed and dirtied up. Think that most people do the grey suits but they just look to clean.

Great belt!

I totally agree with you. Great minds think alike lol. My suit will not be clean cut. It will look a little distressed. Batman should never be perfect he needs to be in used condition lol

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Yip cast the buckle. Was a first effort. Got a better one in the works just now. more accurate

Thanks guys :)