Back to the Future Part II

here seen in the newspapers back to the future 2 : usa today,if anyone has every 8 Hill Valley Telegraph newspaper in very good quality without being vague or share contact me here, because I'm looking for 6 years without find them, thank you in advance



I have been working on these based off of the photos of the screen used props from the pages of history auctions. The ones shown here are not screen acurate. I will post something here once I am done, but it will be a while as recreating the accurate text takes time. These will be 300dpi.
Yes, they look great! I didn't see that they were done allready, I was looking in the wrong place. Still want to create my own, just because its fun to do. But I will refrain from posting the high res as I don't want to take anything away from Jedifyfe.

Take a look at Jedifyfe's versions of these. They are printed on real newspaper and the best you will find anywhere!
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Take a look at Jedifyfe's versions of these. They are printed on real newspaper and the best you will find anywhere!

Thank you Smarty! The only reason I don't post my newspapers, is because I still sell them. :thumbsup

Also I am in the middle of revamping my BIFF WINS with accurate text and making the GEORGE McFLY MURDERED newspapers:


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Back to the future props

does anyone have a hi res pic of this map


found these online. enjoy



2015 hill valley painting










Re: Back to the future props

I actually had a replica of the sports almanac in my room at Planet Hollywood in Vegas. I wish I took some pictures.
Re: Back to the future props

"American Mining Expert Asks British Citizenship" seen at the bottom of this page, is a real story copied from the July 18, 1933 New York Times, and actually includes the real text from the original source.

Re: Back to the future props

any one have those in high resolution that i can print them please:sleep
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Re: Back to the future props

any one have those in high resolution that i can print them please:sleep
I had posted all those photos last year which were all taken from the Profiles in History website. You may find higher resolution pics for the Almanac elsewhere, but don't think there any more for the other newspapers.

Here are links to some hi-res images of the 2015 newspapers, scanned from the replicas which came with the Blu-ray tin box set. Files originally scanned and provided by member cnickle1.

Click on the images, scroll to the bottom and click on the Download button.
Re: Back to the future props

thank you for the props, which would cover the front and back of the magazine oh la la

thank you very much

I just bought the original Japanese articles from 1990 talking back to the future I would like to share with you,just click on the image to enjoy it

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Grays Sports Almanac BTTF

Sorry if this has already been posted but after searching around I found the front and back cover to the BTTF Almanac


Hope you enjoy, kind regards Jason
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Re: Grays Sports Almanac BTTF

Hi again Jason.

This too, has to go into the BTTF general thread.

Rule of thumb on the forum is - before posting a paper prop, use the search function to see if a thread with the movie title exists. Only if it doesn't, start a new thread.

Sorry to be a pain, but otherwise the paper prop forum would get swamped with repeat posts / threads.

In this case, here
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Re: Grays Sports Almanac BTTF

:/ Sorry again, I didnt mean to be a pain.
I'll try and be more careful next time.
Kind regards Jason
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