A friend forwarded this site to me:
As you will see - these are the absolute best replica Nike 'AirMag' replicas ever produced - as close to the real things as anyone has ever seen.
The seller had them made by a professional footwear company in limited quantities in U.S. sise 10.5 only. Price: a whopping $700.00 a pair.
I am sure the price reflects all the work and money that had gone into having these made.
I would drop that kind of cash if they were in my size. I wear an 8.5 (I believe MJ Fox wore an 8)
I am looking into some options to have a set made in a smaller size but that may end up costing me quite a bit.
One option I have been thinking of would be to purchase the shoes, have them scanned then re-created rapid prototype style in a smaller size, then have the upper re-made in the smaller size.
Any suggestions?
As you will see - these are the absolute best replica Nike 'AirMag' replicas ever produced - as close to the real things as anyone has ever seen.
The seller had them made by a professional footwear company in limited quantities in U.S. sise 10.5 only. Price: a whopping $700.00 a pair.
I am sure the price reflects all the work and money that had gone into having these made.
I would drop that kind of cash if they were in my size. I wear an 8.5 (I believe MJ Fox wore an 8)
I am looking into some options to have a set made in a smaller size but that may end up costing me quite a bit.
One option I have been thinking of would be to purchase the shoes, have them scanned then re-created rapid prototype style in a smaller size, then have the upper re-made in the smaller size.
Any suggestions?