Avengers Movie SPOILER Thread

Some of my favorite lines...

Captain America: "Is everything funny to you?
Stark: "Funny things are."

Coulson: "I've actually been a big fan of yours for years - I watched you while you were asleep."
(An awkward moment passes)
Coulson: "I mean um...I was present....while you were unconscious."

Loki: The humans slaughter each other in droves while you idly threat. I mean to RULE them
Thor: You think yourself above them?
Loki; Why yes
Thor: Then you miss the truth of ruling brother. The throne would suit you ill.

Loki: You need the cube to bring me home but I've sent it off I know not where.
Thor: You listen to me brother--
*Ironman tackles Thor to the ground*
Loki: *left alone* I'm listening
Thor: Do not touch me again
Ironman: Then dont take my stuff
Thor: You have no idea what you're dealing with
Ironman: Uh... Shakespeare in the park?
Ironman: Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?

*Banner wakes up after the Hulk episode*
Old guy: Are you an alien?
Banner: What?
Old guy: From outer space-- an alien?
Banner: No
Old guy: Well then son... you've got a condition.

Also love the "performance anxiety" line that Stark said to Loki when Loki was trying to control him with the staff:lol

I'm going for my third viewing. Awesome film.
I really loved this movie, it's going to be very hard to beat this year. But I do have one question; what happened to War Machine? You'd think and Air Force officer with and advanced suit of armor would be involved. Literally, that's about all that bugged me.

PS does anyone have a pic of the Infinity Gauntlet from Thor? I've heard about it but never seen it.
I LOVED it!!!

Best Superhero movie ever. The new Batman is great, but there's not much humor in it.

Mark Ruffalo was so much more convincing as Banner than Ed Norton. I like Norton, he's a terrific actor with a lot of gravitas, but I never bought him as a super clever scientist nerd. Hulk stole the show in several scenes.

One thing I find funny that no one seems to mention is the fact that Captain America proved Loki's point about people wanting to bow down and be ruled through a display of power. Loki just did it all wrong, whereas Cap America did it right, when that cop got in his face about why he should take orders from him, to which Cap smashes several alien invaders, and the cop turns around and does exactly what Cap America ordered him to do.

Humor that layered and character interactions that actually feels genuine is definitely one of Whedon's strengths... Just love this movie.

I over all really liked the movie. If I find anything to complain about, it's the guy playing LOKI. He's such a skinny, scrawny, physical presence. He didn't have the gravitas to really sell me as a horrifically evil man. Don't get me wrong, the guy's a pretty good actor. And he's got a creepy smile. But, eh, in the end, I wasn't all that a-scared.
That's the correct description of Loki the DemiGod. He's the prankster who makes others fight each other. He uses his intellect, not his physique. He's the direct opposite of Thor.

movie was great but 2 things bothered me.
after thor's great landing, he walks over to his hammer and stretches out his hand and the hammer doesnt fly to his hand in that moment. its almost like he is hurt in some way, but a few scenes later, he is show flying off with it.
when loki tries to posess stark, why wasnt he able to?
First: Thor was saddened by what he always caused of mayhem when he came to Earth and calling the hammer to him was a reminder of his powers and that he doesn't fit in and that he wrecks things like Loki does even when he tries to do good. He cannot control himself. It is not because he cannot call it to him... he just doesn't for a moment, remembering what has just happened.

Loki taps him on the Arc reactor... not on his skin.

At least those are my thoughts on it.
Lokis staff is a small amount of the tesserect not the infinity gems (when you see the infinity gauntlet iin thor it has all the stones and also when you see the gauntlet at the Sdcc), also it you notice the staff fires energy blasts much the same as the hydra weapons when they had the tesserect.

I just can't get behind that Loki's staff is powered by the tesseract. He received it before he arrived in the shield base. How could Thanos give him a cosmic cube powered weapon before they had the cosmic cube?? The whole point to Loki's invasion was to conquor Earth and gain control of the cube. It's just too coincidental that it's a glowing blue gem, it controls the minds of men, it was gifted by Thanos... I can't see how it could be anything else.

I know Cap said it acted like a cube powered hydra weapon, but that shouldn't be what you're basing it from because how would he know about anything else?
Awesome movie, loved it all apart from one thing. I wasn't keen on how ape-like Hulk acted.

Funny, I specifically noticed that as a plus. Like Banner had reverted down the evolutionary scale a few nothces. I also wished we'd seen War Machine, but honestly if they'd packed in too many characters it would have been a diluted mess, so better we didn't. It's a miracle so many characters were juggled so well anyway. If he's not in IM3 however, cayman's nerd rage will ensue :lol

I thought it was cool how each character's level of power and particular skill was allowed to shine. At the end they became truly a TEAM, using their own talents toward the group's objective. There were believable "layers" of power (Thor and Hulk/Iron Man and Cap/Widow and Hawkeye as I saw it. Not to start an argument about who could beat whom...) yet everyone was made useful. It wasn't like "ok, now sit back and let the living god polish up here." On the other hand, I wasn't asked to swallow that Widow could take Thor in a fight for instance.
Regarding Ruth, the waitress from the cafe, she is most probably related to Peggy Carter as I mentioned in my post way back on the 2nd or 3rd page of this thread. Though, probably not her daughter (otherwise she'd be like 60?!) so I'm guessing grandaughter at the very least (remember, at the end of Captain America, Fury tells Steve that he'd been asleep for nearly 70 years).

It was interesting the way she seemed to recognize Steve after his helmet/mask got torn off and he was standing in the street. I can imagine that perhaps she saw his pictures from her grandmother's old album or something and recognized him that way (though I'd imagine Peggy never had any photos since Steve's files would've been classified even after the war). I'm guessing she'll show up in Captain America II or something later.

Also, I'm curious how Whedon was gonna do this scene before he ultimately decided to leave it out:
io9 - Morning Spoilers (April 12, 2012)

(Just scroll down to the entry Captain America 2).
I really loved this movie, it's going to be very hard to beat this year. But I do have one question; what happened to War Machine? You'd think and Air Force officer with and advanced suit of armor would be involved. Literally, that's about all that bugged me.

PS does anyone have a pic of the Infinity Gauntlet from Thor? I've heard about it but never seen it.

Here is a screen cap...
Infinity Gauntlet in Thor Movie
Funniest scene/quote was when...

Loki "I am a god!"
Hulk: smashes him left and right on floor walks away

Capt: There are civilians trapped in that building...
I need a perimeter set up to 39th street
Police officer: Why should I take orders from you?
Capt: (kicks invaders ass)
Police officer: turns around and follows orders

Great movie I'm going to watch it again
Did you guy stayed to watch both the scenes after the credits?
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I just can't get behind that Loki's staff is powered by the tesseract. He received it before he arrived in the shield base. How could Thanos give him a cosmic cube powered weapon before they had the cosmic cube??

Very true about that. But i think it was stated in the film that it works in a very similair way to the cube, and in the film scarlett used the staff to close the portal and selvig stated that the staff was the only way to close the portal cos you cant protect yourself from yourself. or something along those lines.
although i do understand your thinking.
just my understanding of it all.

In regards to warmachine yes i totally agree they should have put something similair to the jane scene (were thor asked were she was and colson explained)
If Iron Man's Arc reactor is based on the cube technology, then so can the small cube used in Loki's staff and the invaders' weapons. Just think of them as pocket sized, "limited to a few basic functions" versions.
I'm very happy that there were no sexy poses from Black Widow during the fight scenes. I remember in the trailer, there was a shot of her standing and staring at the ground as something exploded behind her in the city. I was SO glad that wasn't included in the actual movie.

One thing kinda bothered me. When Cap got cornered by Loki's controlled goons on the helicarrier and he got the machine gun, he kind of flailed around as he was shooting and wasn't very accurate. You'd think he'd be a better shot. :facepalm

I felt bad that Cap was ultimately overshadowed by the more powerful characters, but I was relieved that he did get moments to shine. Even though he did take charge with the tactical aspects of the last battles, I wish he did a little bit more. Little things like how people weren't awestruck when they saw Captain America in front of them (i.e., when he arrived in the kneeling group or when he came into NYC), made me sad. You'd think that he'd be well known due to his actions in WWII (although maybe people thought he was more of a propaganda machine rather than a real soldier due to the whole war bonds thing).
I felt bad that Cap was ultimately overshadowed by the more powerful characters, but I was relieved that he did get moments to shine. Even though he did take charge with the tactical aspects of the last battles, I wish he did a little bit more. Little things like how people weren't awestruck when they saw Captain America in front of them (i.e., when he arrived in the kneeling group or when he came into NYC), made me sad. You'd think that he'd be well known due to his actions in WWII (although maybe people thought he was more of a propaganda machine rather than a real soldier due to the whole war bonds thing).
People don't really know the heroes in the real WW2...

In the Marvel universe... if they weren't there and saw it... they'd think he was just a piece of exaggerated propaganda to scare the enemy.

Also... they were in shock from seeing people murdered in front of them... acting all dazed and confused is a genuine reaction.
Yeah I also wanted more scenes with Cap. There were more Cap moments early in the film which showed him adjusting to the modern world, scenes which probably would have made the audience (especially those who never saw the Captain America movie) feel more connected to Steve Rogers. But Whedon felt it would slow down the pace of the film, hence it was deleted and will be included in the extended cut. There was also a scene in the script with Peggy being present in 2012, which got scrapped eventually as member hikarub mentioned above.
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