Assassin´s Creed: Hidden Blade - Need help


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys. I´m trying to rebuild the Hidden Blade from the video game series „Assassin´s Creed”. I have a approximate imagination of the mechanism I want to build, to let the blade “blast out” like in the video games (bending the hand backwards). Constructing this, I am gearing alongside the official artwork.



Now I am looking for a “spring mechanism” which let the blade pop out. I marked it red in the following picture.


Does anybody have an idea where I can find this kind of spring mechanism? I know it exists, but I don´t know where and what to look for. Any help would be appreciated.

Greetings, Marco
The "spring mechanism" you talk about is really a Lazy-tong mechanism(I think that's what it is called). Sinza's forums are a great source of knowledge, I recommend you use the knowledge in there.

I did a quick Google SEARCH which led me here...

Then here...

(Who would have thought a SEARCH engine could SEARCH for things?) ;)

Do you really think I didnt use Google for the infos I was looking for? ...
I tried, but somehow I am a not-so-professional-search-engine-user as some others...
But thanks anyway, the Sinza-forum helped me a little ;)

Thank you, but I had this piece of crap before. I wouldn´t suggest anyone to buy this.
I made a sleeve gun spring device that was similar to the Assassin's Creed knive. Instead of the bar you could replace it with the knife. It is spring loaded and works by pulling on monofilament attached to a ring.

Here is the the thread.

Sleevegun Thread