As You Wish


Master Member
So it's that time again when a bunch of firefighters get together to participate in The Mustache Bash! A little background, the past 8 years we get together and have a mustache growing contest and donate the money to a burn camp for kids. So far we've raised about $30,000 over the years. We have a big costumed party at the end of the month. This years theme is pirates. So naturally I chose The Dread Pirate Roberts!

Lets to start off with the fun part, the sword. I wanted to do it on a budget because the sword prop is expensive and the sword prop is expensive ha!

Here's the materials list

- Flat aluminum bar
- Aluminum rod
- Drawer Knob
- Wood Dowel
- Plumber epoxy
- JB Weld (because I don't have anything to weld aluminum)


I cut the flat bar to a point and sanded down the edges. I also bent the rod to start the hilt!


More to come!
That's going to look cool man. how are you going to do the finish on it?

Thanks! I was planning on sanding it to a nice finish but since I had to JB weld I'm going to just rattle can a slight silver finish. I know if you get too shiny there could be finger prints left so I'm going to try and avoid it.
That's cool. but I sorta meant as far as look of the original. I would guess there's some knobs out there that look almost just like that..
That's cool. but I sorta meant as far as look of the original. I would guess there's some knobs out there that look almost just like that..

Oh duh, sorry. The one I bought is kind of generic but I still might go out and find something closer. It's a budget sword so it's not super accurate but close enough!
I finished the handle this evening. I used electrical tape, sticky side out, and cut some faux leather strip. I'm pretty happy with the handle.

I finally put everything together and just new to touch up some spots with paint. The hilt is super accurate but for a budget sword, I'm pretty happy with it! I'll post more when completely finished.

I think It looks great for a budget sword! very nice work on the hilt,:thumbsup

That's looking great!

That thing looks better than alot of the swords you see in catalogs .

Thanks fellas! I really appreciate it!!! Hopefully I'll be finished tonight. I'll post the rest of my costume but I wanted to post the most challenging part first. The sword was super fun to build and cost less than $20 to make!
Ya exactly! I'm worried people are going to think I'm Zorro
Having worn this costume for a couple years, I can tell you that you will get a ton of Zorro quips, but it's well worth enduring it for the smaller number of Princess Bride fans who lose their minds and start throwing out quotes immediately when they see you.
Like, there may be 8 times as many people who say 'Zorro' when you walk by, but the ones who cry "Westley!!!" or "You're the Dread Pirate Roberts, admit it!" and come over to give you a hug or take a picture are a dozen times more excited.
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Having worn this costume for a couple years, I can tell you that you will get a ton of Zorro quips, but it's well worth educing it for the smaller number of Princess Bride fans who lose their minds and start throwing out quotes immediately when they see you.
Like, there may be 8 times as many people who say 'Zorro' when you walk by, but the ones who cry "Westley!!!" or "You're the Dread Pirate Roberts, admit it!" and come over to give you a hug or take a picture are a dozen times more excited.

Thats awesome! Its an older crowd so hopefully there will be some fans, great costume by the way. I was checking it out when I decided to make the Dread Pirate Roberts costume!