Anyone got a working DS gun? Let's see it!


Sr Member
Hey all

I'm new here and I'm enjoying the community immensly. Lot's of talent congregating here.

I was just wondering if anyone owns a working DS gun from the flik Loga's run.

I've not seen much discussion on this kickin' pistol in some time, so I just thought I'd bring it to the fore.

Extra points for video of the gun blasting.

Also any thoughts on the rumored remake?

Thank you for your time

Welcome to the Board.

Proud owner here.

Maybe the DS Gun GURU here will post some pics and a video of one barking.

As far as the re-make it will be interesting to see what will happen with it but I am not holding out much hope as most of the re-makes are horrible.
Hey Apollo

Thanks for the welcome.

Who is this DS Gun GURU? Sounds like someone we want to hear from.

"Barking"... hahaha, well said. I like that. Do you have any barking pix?

On the remake, I have fingers crossed. The book is such a larger adventure, I think in the right hands this could still be a good flik.

Though how they'll find a Jessica to compete with Jenny Agutter is beyond me. :love
I have working DS made by the guru. I am at work right now so I can't post pics but I will try to later. My thoughts on the remake are mixed, I don't think much of the remakes coming out of Hollywood but I would like to see the gun done as it was in the book with a six shooter design and pearl handles.
The remake is no longer under the guidance of Bryan Singer, which is a shame, as I think he could have nailed it. I know Singer had intended to restore the book's 'sleep' age to 21. Who knows, now?

I'd really like to see the multi-function DS revolver from the book, though the original movie guns were cool.
Watchman and Birdie, thanks for the reply

Yeah, the 6 shooter from the novel would be interesting. Especially the speciallized charges.

Watchman, I eagerly await the pix. and who is this Guru you all speak of? I'm not being coy, I really am ignorant on this.

I heard that Singer was no longer directing, but he apparently had a hand in the script.
i also agree that most Hollywood remakes are empty shells, but I gotta maintain my optimism.

Otherwise I don't know what i'd do...
<div class='quotetop'>(boodha @ Nov 8 2006, 12:10 PM) [snapback]1353361[/snapback]</div>
Who is this DS Gun GURU? Sounds like someone we want to hear from.

He is a board member here who, imho, built the best working replica that has ever been made.

I'm sure he will show up.


There is a video but forgot to put it back on the site. Will try and remember tonight.

First welcome to the RPF :) Second, do a search in the junkyard as well. I remember in the past there have been several there listed for sale. Within those threads you might be able to find some good information as well.

Take care,

<div class='quotetop'>(Brak's Buddy @ Nov 8 2006, 02:27 PM) [snapback]1353464[/snapback]</div>
Here is a pic I took of one in action earlier this year.


Umm...not to sound rude...but...ummm...are you under thirty?
:lol :lol :lol :lol

Cool pic just the same.

I'd love to see the remake happen. The book is indeed, funky.
It'll be intersting to see what changes might come with a new film.
Here are some pics of my baby. This is one of my favorite props of all time. I included the pic with the MR Phaser to show just what a cannon the DS Gun is...




Thanks for hosting Wackychimp.

One thing that always bugged me was that there wasn't a detent in the handle to read the lifeclock, insuring no one else could use the DS gun.
I never could afford one of the DS guns when they were around at cons, maybe some day I will treat myself to one or even - gasp - try to make one.

I'm sure a new film will be vastly different from what we saw in the 70's. I LOVED that film, but it certainly is dated. Also, I always thought the music was wonderful.

Nice pics Brak's Buddy and Watchman and Eyes Only..
Seeing these blasters reminded me of a question that I had but never got around to asking. I just spent some time looking at all of the LR images I have and they weren't helpful.

The question has to do with the wire and terminal that is visible on some of the replicas and not on others. I've seen the disassembly pictures on Rich's site of one of the screen used heros and it has the slot but you only see the wire and terminal once the piece is taken apart.

Does anyone have any caps or promo images that show or don't show the wire/terminal?
<div class='quotetop'>(SurferGeek @ Nov 8 2006, 08:07 PM) [snapback]1353686[/snapback]</div>
Seeing these blasters reminded me of a question that I had but never got around to asking. I just spent some time looking at all of the LR images I have and they weren't helpful.

The question has to do with the wire and terminal that is visible on some of the replicas and not on others. I've seen the disassembly pictures on Rich's site of one of the screen used heros and it has the slot but you only see the wire and terminal once the piece is taken apart.

Does anyone have any caps or promo images that show or don't show the wire/terminal?

You're talking about the side 'Hawker' battery terminal.

The prop maker left the 'post' accessible for easy charging. You never see this in the film. Most builders leave the terminal as optional these days.

The photo below shows two working pieces; one with a faux terminal in place and one without.

The terminals have become a hard-core option on working & non working replicas. The hero pieces used blue and red. The red was used more-so on the TV versions.

Some just prefer to display without the terminal showing.
Thanks Rylo, that makes sense but I was hoping that someone might have a cap or other picture showing it or not showing it. All of the images I have showing the pistol are either in the actors hand and due to the short grip their hands are covering that area and since the holster clip is on the terminal side, any shot with it holstered is worthless. :(
<div class='quotetop'>(SurferGeek @ Nov 8 2006, 08:34 PM) [snapback]1353706[/snapback]</div>
Thanks Rylo, that makes sense but I was hoping that someone might have a cap or other picture showing it or not showing it. All of the images I have showing the pistol are either in the actors hand and due to the short grip their hands are covering that area and since the holster clip is on the terminal side, any shot with it holstered is worthless. :(

I've never seen a publicity shot of a DS gun with an exposed terminal. It's rather the wizard behind the curtain and wasn't intended to be seen but was certainly there. I've seen converted TV guns that had no sign of the terminal at all.

It seems they started cramming everything behind the sideplates when the props were converted for the series. I know of 2 movie versions that still have the exposed terminals showing.