It's junk, don't waste your money. Looks good in the package, but when you get it out, it's a world of disappointment. The CO toy is far superior and actually looks less like a toy compared to the WOW version.
It's junk, don't waste your money. Looks good in the package, but when you get it out, it's a world of disappointment. The CO toy is far superior and actually looks less like a toy compared to the WOW version.
I've seen on youtube reviews that the lights and sound are activated by the little button on the white part of the handle. It stays on until you turn it off. It's not activated by the screwdriver bits afterall. It also sounds nothing like the sonic screwdriver, just a high pitched screeching sound. Seems like a piece of crap to me. The only thing I like better about it than the CO is the white handle and the emitter claws. I suppose if you got both and wanted to try and put them both together taking the best parts of each one, you could take off the WOW sound chip and use the CO chip instead. Plus you could put the button on the black part of the handle (like the prop). You'd still have to try and re-engineer the bottom half to make the top spring/flick out though. I believe the WOW led is brighter than the CO. I still think the metal parts look like plastic.