Anyone ever ID the Voyager Doctor's Medkit case?


Master Member
Hello, I am looking for a close enough representation of the Doctor's medkit, and thought I would bother you guys with my search as usual.

I am not sure it would have been humanly possible to find a WORSE picture, but its the case on the left.


Thanks for your help!
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Well the one on the right looks a heck of a lot like a microphone case....

I am *sure* i've seen it before, it's driving me nuts. :)
The case on the right I thought always looked exactly like the old Nintendo Gameboy cases. I've got one floating around somewhere, and it's a spitting image. No idea about the one of the left...
The reason I didn't ask about the case on the right is because I own one. I was told it was a cassete storage case.


I think it's been identified in the past but I don't recall what it was. I always thought it looked like a power tool case. I had a rotary tool (not Dremel) that had a similar case with the same type of push-through latch this one has in the handle.
Here's the case. It's a Weller soldering gun kit I've had for years. Was laying right here by my notebook when I read the question about it. Funny how that works out sometimes. There are several soldering guns on ebay with the same case, though I believe it has been some time since it was available with this specific case. Mine is headed off to thegreatgalling in exchange for a new $6 case from the Home Depot I got to hold my gun.

It looks exactly like the case for my Weller motor tool. Weller probably used it for all their tools.

I have a weller tool with an entirely different case, so if wasn't for PW, I would have never been able to ID this thing, and I have been trying for years!
Very cool, thanks for sharing!

Now the question is: Are there different colors for this case - gray, black - and which one was used for the show? Or was it painted?

In the screenshots it looks like some kind of dark metallic gray, so I'm assuming it was indeed painted.

Does anybody know for sure?
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After searching for such a case, I have only ever seen Grey and Black. I think it would be highly unlikley it came in just the right metallic grey color, but hey, ya' never know.
Well, maybe it only looks like dark grey in the screenshots but is in fact black. Especially on the inside, it looks far too dark to be the gray version which is very light, so I guess it's black, maybe not even painted since it doesn't look too glossy...

When I first saw it, it looked like dark grey, and not the dark silver metallic.
Maybe our resident proptologist, Mike, wouldn't mind stepping in if he can? :lol