Any one good with circuits and electronics?

Well, I had some time this afternoon to put together a circuit using the driver Transistor and the 5-1/2" Taplight idea I had earlier.
The audio amplifier is one from Radio Shack and I am feeding it a sound file from my computer.

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Well, I had some time this afternoon to put together a circuit using the driver Transistor and the 5-1/2" Taplight idea I had earlier.
The audio amplifier is one from Radio Shack and I am feeding it a sound file from my computer.

Thats awesome that looks exactly what I need :) the push light is probably better than led or the panel I've ordered :-/ only I need a seperate MP3 board rather than being fed by comp of course. That looks great though.
I'm skimming a bit but if you want it to be more controlled you could use a RFID chip. You have the chip and when you wave it near a part of the device then the stuff is activated.
Well, I had some time this afternoon to put together a circuit using the driver Transistor and the 5-1/2" Taplight idea I had earlier.
The audio amplifier is one from Radio Shack and I am feeding it a sound file from my computer.
That looks great..Drac,how much space do you have?I am not sure if I missed it..are there any color of leds you will like specifically?..Reason I am asking is because I made an small speaker box with the soundboard and the battery holder,size is around 2 1/2 x 2 1/4 (in inches),it sound really loud...


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That looks great..Drac,how much space do you have?I am not sure if I missed it..are there any color of leds you will like specifically?..Reason I am asking is because I made an small speaker box with the soundboard and the battery holder,size is around 2 1/2 x 2 1/4 (in inches),it sound really loud...

That looks awesome, I have around 4 inch x 4 inch roughly with a bit of playing around, just white for the LED's or regular light if you know what I mean lol

the light itself has to light up a disc of about 41/2 inch but a few LED's should do the job there will be a frosted screen in front of the light which I have sorted
That looks awesome, I have around 4 inch x 4 inch roughly with a bit of playing around, just white for the LED's or regular light if you know what I mean lol

the light itself has to light up a disc of about 41/2 inch but a few LED's should do the job there will be a frosted screen in front of the light which I have sorted
cool..I think if you do the kit that propmaster told you about(the sound to light,with an small speaker and the sound board with an usb,you have exactly what you need,when doing the sound to light kit dont add the leds to the board,your best bets would be to put longer wires to install the leds wherever needed..Now all you need is how to add the proximity or motion sensor to turn on everything at once,since i am not sure if the sound to light kit has a sensitivity pot,so it can just turn on with the music or sounds..anyways,not sure if you need it,but I am attaching a list of parts I used for the small box,and for the structure I used the foam backing 1/8 thickness and hot glue.(bought at any store,even walmart or target has them)..I will get back to you if I can figure out the motion sensor.
cool..I think if you do the kit that propmaster told you about(the sound to light,with an small speaker and the sound board with an usb,you have exactly what you need,when doing the sound to light kit dont add the leds to the board,your best bets would be to put longer wires to install the leds wherever needed..Now all you need is how to add the proximity or motion sensor to turn on everything at once,since i am not sure if the sound to light kit has a sensitivity pot,so it can just turn on with the music or sounds..anyways,not sure if you need it,but I am attaching a list of parts I used for the small box,and for the structure I used the foam backing 1/8 thickness and hot glue.(bought at any store,even walmart or target has them)..I will get back to you if I can figure out the motion sensor.

Thats fantastic thank you I really appreciate the help :)

dont know what shipping would be like to over here in the UK but it probably won't be hard to source the same products here ;-)
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Thats fantastic thank you I really appreciate the help :)

dont know what shipping would be like to over here in the UK but it probably won't be hard to source the same products here ;-)
You could always find Amazon sometimes have the same stuff but is a bit more expensive,but might be worth it since its faster..Now if you used the kit propmaster told you about,you could make the box even a bit bigger to fit everything in there or glue it on the outside..good luck,and if i figure something out ill let you know fo sure!
I found a video on youtube with a sound file I thought would work good for the Sound/Light circuit:

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Simple put (and available in uk.) Raspberry pi zreo + PIR takees care of the audio playback and control.
Programmed through wiring pi you then connect the led circuity to the pi's output pins. and add a speaker.
If you want good quality sound, then you need to add a dac(soundcard) hat to the pi zero.
There sould be tons of guides for sound to light control on the interwebs.
Here is an example from Lady Ada
Simple put (and available in uk.) Raspberry pi zreo + PIR takees care of the audio playback and control.
Programmed through wiring pi you then connect the led circuity to the pi's output pins. and add a speaker.
If you want good quality sound, then you need to add a dac(soundcard) hat to the pi zero.
There sould be tons of guides for sound to light control on the interwebs.
Here is an example from Lady Ada

Hi thanks for the input, it may be simple to those who know what they are doing but I don't, only raspberry I know is the red juicy kind lol
This video shows that it was done with a regular, old school, portable MP3 player with a single sound file.
If you are looking to play several sound files (which are addressable), you will have to go another route.
The output of the MP3 player is wired to the Radio Shack Amp sound input and the light is wired to the amps
speaker use old school electronics. A few resistors, 2 transistors and 1 capacitor.

When this was done in the past, they most likely didn't use a micro-controller to control the pulsing light.
However, it probably can't be avoided these days.

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Hi thanks for the input, it may be simple to those who know what they are doing but I don't, only raspberry I know is the red juicy kind lol

I know its been done and the theory on how to do it but...
there are 8 year olds that know more about doing what you want then I do!
All I know is that it is possible via the pi as it can sort and play the different files.
Well I've got the EL light stuff through and it seems to work really well I'll get a vid up when I get the chance but I think it will get the job done. I wonder if there is a way to use what I've got but wire the sound straight to the box rather than using the mic to detect the sound
Just a short vid I think it works pretty well, lighting is not the best northern is the vid, it doesn't show as well on the vid as it does in person.
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It looks like your EL Panel will work well for your needs since it is low profile and sound can be converted to light.
As you mentioned, having it wired to the speaker would be better, but not having electronics skills might be an issue.
You would have to open up the sound/light device and tap in to the input of the internal amp.
Not knowing the microphone circuit, it would be a challenge to find the best part of the circuit to wire in to.
Also, you will need the "multi-sound file control device" (MP3 player) and tap into it's earphone output and connect that
to the microphone to amp circuit. The earphone output would be a less overpowering signal for the sound/light device.
If you connect directly to the ''speaker output'' of an MP3 player you run the danger of over powering the input to the sound/light driver.
If you are going to use one power supply for both of the devices, they must be common to each other (grounded).
That way the signal from the MP3 player to the S/L device has a proper path.....
I think since you will have two separate items and they both have a volume controls, that would be easier to work with for you.
Just place the S/L driver microphone close to the speaker of the MP3 player.

Just playing with my new toy:

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