Any advice for someone who has little to no idea what I'm doing but needs to look different ... Alot


New Member
I have very little experience with anything cool , I do own a few crea-fx silicone masks , but I have a very small head and I guess small eyes , so they didn't fit rite and a bunch if times struggleing with them, I now need to try to repair the tiny tead in the eyes, blah blah blah. My question is , is there a silicone or somewhat simple method that I could make small bits of silicone to adhere to my face that would alter my face enough to look lot like me , I mean a completely realistic , non fantasy nose , maybe different chin, browline , different shape mouth anything that could allow me to not be instantly recognized. It does not need to fool ppl I know well, just ppl who have met me but briefly. This so for a YouTube channel that catches or confronts ppl doing things they lie and say they have Not done similar to cheaters but not limited to it. Any suggestions on a pre made site I could buy from or how to make this myself
What said above or there might be places where you can buy prosthetics or make them yourself.
But I think that makeup and prosthetics won't cheat anyone face to face even if they are not familiar with you. These things work for film, theatre or in a distance better.
If your wanting to start with the basics I'd try either Dick Smiths Make up effects or Tom Savini's Grand Illusions for ideas.
Both are great and there's also a great book all about Stage make up but it's name escapes me at the moment, I'll check in my library later..

Another thought, make up using highlights lowlights works a treat and has been used since the days of the Greeks to alter ones appearance.
Prosthetics good enough to fool people into thinking they are real skin is possible but extremely difficult thus expensive because you'd be hiring an experienced makeup special effects artist.

This includes making a life cast of your face since prosthetics need to be sculpted on an exact copy of your face for them to sit precisely on your features so they move correctly along with the skin and muscles underneath.

They have to be applied with invisible edges and painted to look like real skin, something that takes a tremendous amount of skill and experience. You need a makeup artist on set to do touchups and glue down edges that come loose before you interact with people. This takes years of study and a certain amount of talent.

You can use some traditional stage techniques (Corson's Guide to Stage Makeup) to do some subtle contouring and shift the color of your skin. This needs to be carried down your neck past your collar line and on your hands and wrists.

The easiest ways to achieve an effective disguise are to change the shape of your face in as many ways as possible. A mustache and beard disguises your upper lip and chin, a wig of a different color with a hairstyle that is very different from yours helps you look different. Wearing glasses (or contacts if you always wear glasses) makes a difference. Thinning the eyebrows or making them bushier helps as wet as a subtle scar but it would have to be executed flawlessly.

Many years ago I was hired to disguise a woman as a man and get her past three people who knew her by appearance. I did not have time to do a life cast, sculpt, mold and cast custom prosthetics so I used the methods described here. It worked and she had considerable financial resources, so she considered my fee a worthwhile investment.

Placing inserts or arch supports in your shoes will give you a different gait. Shoulder pads or a little padding around the midsection can help to change your body shape. Fashion radically different from what you would normally wear is needed. You are creating a character, not just holding underneath a bunch of stuff.

It takes a considerable amount of acting chops to change the tone of your voice, speech patterns and accent enough to fool people. The woman mentioned above managed by speaking no more than a few words the entire night, doing a lot of nodding and smiling.

Colored contacts would help a tremendous amount but these are fairly expensive if you get both quality ones that are fitted correctly by an optometrist. Do not buy inexpensive cosplay/Halloween lenses since these are often low quality and can cause infections, corneal irritation or scarring and vision problems that may be permanent.
Prosthetics good enough to fool people into thinking they are real skin is possible but extremely difficult thus expensive because you'd be hiring an experienced makeup special effects artist.

This includes making a life cast of your face since prosthetics need to be sculpted on an exact copy of your face for them to sit precisely on your features so they move correctly along with the skin and muscles underneath.

They have to be applied with invisible edges and painted to look like real skin, something that takes a tremendous amount of skill and experience. You need a makeup artist on set to do touchups and glue down edges that come loose before you interact with people. This takes years of study and a certain amount of talent.

You can use some traditional stage techniques (Corson's Guide to Stage Makeup) to do some subtle contouring and shift the color of your skin. This needs to be carried down your neck past your collar line and on your hands and wrists.

The easiest ways to achieve an effective disguise are to change the shape of your face in as many ways as possible. A mustache and beard disguises your upper lip and chin, a wig of a different color with a hairstyle that is very different from yours helps you look different. Wearing glasses (or contacts if you always wear glasses) makes a difference. Thinning the eyebrows or making them bushier helps as wet as a subtle scar but it would have to be executed flawlessly.

Many years ago I was hired to disguise a woman as a man and get her past three people who knew her by appearance. I did not have time to do a life cast, sculpt, mold and cast custom prosthetics so I used the methods described here. It worked and she had considerable financial resources, so she considered my fee a worthwhile investment.

Placing inserts or arch supports in your shoes will give you a different gait. Shoulder pads or a little padding around the midsection can help to change your body shape. Fashion radically different from what you would normally wear is needed. You are creating a character, not just holding underneath a bunch of stuff.

It takes a considerable amount of acting chops to change the tone of your voice, speech patterns and accent enough to fool people. The woman mentioned above managed by speaking no more than a few words the entire night, doing a lot of nodding and smiling.

Colored contacts would help a tremendous amount but these are fairly expensive if you get both quality ones that are fitted correctly by an optometrist. Do not buy inexpensive cosplay/Halloween lenses since these are often low quality and can cause infections, corneal irritation or scarring and vision problems that may be permanent.
Corsons!.. That's the book I was thinking of.

Maybe OG poster could elaborate on the purpose of who and what reason he's aiming for as it might give a better indication of the level of detail he requires..
Ie the general public out and about is easier to fool in a mobile environment were as close contact or film work is another beast entirely..

Re reading there is going to be some level of time investment hiring and money to pull it off and maybe a bit risky confronting said types of people..
Since the person says he is going to catch people doing things that they said earlier they would never do, I assume they are going to do a street interview with strangers, then record them doing the doing the opposite.

I think that the time it takes to get into costume and makeup is a factor and that effective acting will be the hardest thing to achieve. On a film set I was standing by to touch up makeup between takes and the ability of the actors was a given. Well, theoretically...

The easiest thing might be to have a different person interact with the target as they record them behaving otherwise them have the host pop out of hiding during the bust like the old Candid Camera show.