Anovos Stormtrooper.... thoughts?

Ahem... Capt. Phasma reporting in.

I dont know how they justify those prices. If you have to wait for months or even over a year, why not just build them yourselves. you will have alot more satisfaction in the end. And with all the avaliable files and reference as well as how to youtube videos, it is easier than ever.

I think fandom should be a low cost endevour. These outfits seem to marketed towards people with alot of cash to burn and who dont like to get there hands too dirty. when in reality they have $1 worth of plastic in the helmets. Build them yourselves FFS
the phasma helmet is from their pemier line and of fiberglass construction. and having scratch built fiberglass helmets i can attest to the fact that youre likely to spend at least $250 on materials alone and countless hours to boot. this isnt an unreasonable price if crafting isnt your thing and you just want to own a piece of your fandom... but alas this is the rpf. and crafters we are.

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It may honestly be easier to use their standard FO helmet as a base and modify it to a Phasma. Not sure how well bondo and glass will stick to the Injection Molded plastic though.
to be honest I would be all over the phasma helmet if they at least gave her a good role in the movie. I mean for gosh sake she was one of the most antisipated characters to see on the big screen but yet there only gave her a few lines and maybe 1 min of screen time im going to go watch the movie again today but I dont recall her even getting a shot out of her blaster.

such a shame.
Does anyone know when the anovos TFA Stormtrooper armour will be released?

Are they the best source for the most movie accurate versions?
if youre gonna do that just mod a cheapo $30 target helmet

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The Rubies are ridiculously small and the plastic sucks. I'll probably just pick up a second Anovos and do the Phasma helmet as I said. I may just shoot it chrome for the hell of it and call it close enough to be honest.
Captain Phasma was just a sketch on an artists desk as a variation of the trooper. When JJ saw the design, he had to put her in the film and give her a small role!
You know what would be an awesome slightly late Christmas present, Anovos? An update on where you're at with the kits!

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Me being in Australia and not being able to order has by default given me the best and safest option in dealing with Anovos. The aftermarket on here or evilbay:).

Id never let a liscenced company have my money that long. A deposit yes but a whole payment no.

Well, but this whole payment is less than the deposits of some of the greedy bootleg companies. :lol

I wouldn't give my money to a bootlegger for an extended period of time either. It's morally wrong to hold someone's money for that long. I just figured liscence holders had to follow a higher standard by law.When dealing with a bootlegger,unless you know and trust them,is a risk you evaluate. With a liscence you expect a bit more trust. I dunno its just my thoughts on the matter. I really want some Anovos EPVII stuff but. I've canceled my deposit on my EFX Biker scout with my dealer if it means anything.

I agree with you. I usually never do this long time prepay thing.

I only gave them my money for the OT armour as the price was that low, and i never thought the bootleg prices were any reasonable for some pressed plastic sheets.

Well, OK ....... and the Daffy Duck helmet cause it´s so cute, those little fat ducklings in armor. :D
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