Anovos Stormtrooper.... thoughts?


Tom Blart. Mall Stormtooper.

So, that's tells us what? About 3000 new orders on Anovos website in 3 weeks after opening the TK preorer? Those would probably include all orders made on Anovos website, so there's bound to be about a third of that that are TK's since it was a crazy hot deal... I predict a lot more TKs at cons in the coming years!!!
Interesting, I'm order #625X placed Apr 17th at 3:08 PM. If their orders are genuinely numerically sequential then they sold over 6,250 suits in the first 5 days. A crap ton it is!

My order #651X on Apr 19th so about 300 in 2 days
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Not sure where I read it, or if it's even true, but some where I know I saw that Anovos supposedly sold between 30-40 thousand of these kits! If that is indeed true, that's AMAZING! Just shows how many SW fans are out there! I know at least 20 people from my local Garrison that ordered kits. Hell, I bought 2 myself, lol!:cool
Not sure where I read it, or if it's even true, but some where I know I saw that Anovos supposedly sold between 30-40 thousand of these kits! If that is indeed true, that's AMAZING! Just shows how many SW fans are out there! I know at least 20 people from my local Garrison that ordered kits. Hell, I bought 2 myself, lol!:cool

It'd be interesting to know how many of the orders were people buying their first storm trooper armor - like myself - and how many are already troopers and just couldn't pass up this deal.

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This may be the wrong thread for this, but I'm in Montreal, Canada and I have NO idea where to even start looking for a local 501st or even just a group of people to potentially troop with! Any ideas?

Thank you :)
Check out "La forteresse impériale" on Facebook. This is the Quebec garisson of the legion. I'm in Montreal too so we might bump into each other someday!

I am so sorry, but "La forteresse impériale" just does not sound very intimidating. Sounds like a group having a tea party.

"May I have a spot of tea?"

"Why certainly kind sir. Could you possibly move your E-11 so I can get the sugar?"

"I said no sugar,...blast her!"

Not that I live in Canada and as such have no vested interest in the name of anything up there but... your name is not intimidating!

Wait... my name is also Tom. Doh!
Not that I live in Canada and as such have no vested interest in the name of anything up there but... your name is not intimidating!

Wait... my name is also Tom. Doh!


Yeah, I have never been a fan of my name. You would think Tom Selleck and Tom Cruise would help,...but no.

It's no Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones.

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