Another Star Ship

Another quick one, at work so I can't get it as nice as I would like.


Hot dang, the ship looks majestic!
Thanks!! Jazz-san!
OOOH... I LOVE that green! :) Nice pattern, too.

Oh yes, blue/green looks cool too. Huuuuum:rolleyes
Mikeee-san, Thank you!

As I see those real pics instead of my image in my head,
I can grab the color scheme clearly!
Those kind of fancy color is looking cool and might fit for the cruise ship.
I'm glad your family and town are ok Katsu. As for your background for your photos, I've been using Tri-fold backing boards. They are cardboard that are bright white on the inside and regular cardboard brown on the outside. I've got one which I will be lining with Lime Green poster board to try my hand at compositing, (Greenscreen). If you got one of them and lined it with black poster board, it would be a good background for your pics and would fold up to be put away easily. Plus you could change the colors as needed.

I think I paid $6.00 US for the tri-fold the posterboard and the glue sticks for my large one and $2.05 US for my small one.
Now do one of Katsu-san's ship coming out of the worm-hole at Deep-Space 9! :)

It might look cool.:D

Great work! The ship has a great design.

Thank you very much laserpistol-san!

I'm glad your family and town are ok Katsu. As for your background for your photos, I've been using Tri-fold backing boards. They are cardboard that are bright white on the inside and regular cardboard brown on the outside. I've got one which I will be lining with Lime Green poster board to try my hand at compositing, (Greenscreen). If you got one of them and lined it with black poster board, it would be a good background for your pics and would fold up to be put away easily. Plus you could change the colors as needed.

I think I paid $6.00 US for the tri-fold the posterboard and the glue sticks for my large one and $2.05 US for my small one.

Thanks for the kind words and thanks for the info about backing board.
It looks very handy. I think I might find one of those at the local DIY shop.

Thank you sir.:)
You are my big help, greylocke-san:)

End of the financial year always makes me restless (at least in my mind :wacko)

Here 's Just a little progress on the backside detailing.
It takes time more than I thought.



That's it:p

Last weekend I've been to cherry blossom seeing picnic with my wife.
This place is the ranch of race horse.

Those cherries bloomed a week earlier than the usual year.
That was so beautiful.:eek


A lot of stands :D Grilled corns, apple candies, toys, fried chicken, Yakisoba, Takoyaki etc.


And my twins daughters have celebrated their 22nd birthday.
Seems they haven't grown up last 17 years :facepalm.


Thanks for looking :D
Katsu-san, it's so good to put a face to the name. Man, that cherry-blossom place is absolutely beautiful! And your daughters are so pretty, too! (got a kick out of the "then" and "now" shots). And they are avid scale modelers, too, right? My son doesn't seem to be as captivated by model-making as I am, even though I prod him to it. Well, probably because for most of his younger years I dissuaded him from borrowing my prized tools. I'm thinking about buying him his own tools now, but it might be too late - I already quelled his enthusiasm!
Katsu-san, it's so good to put a face to the name. Man, that cherry-blossom place is absolutely beautiful! And your daughters are so pretty, too! (got a kick out of the "then" and "now" shots). And they are avid scale modelers, too, right? My son doesn't seem to be as captivated by model-making as I am, even though I prod him to it. Well, probably because for most of his younger years I dissuaded him from borrowing my prized tools. I'm thinking about buying him his own tools now, but it might be too late - I already quelled his enthusiasm!

Thank you Jazz-san.

I'm sure he'll change his mind once he watch his father's finished model.
And soon he will realize how lucky he is supposed to be. He got a great
teacher and instructor already. I guess you should ask him to help you
something when you build.

My girls love carpentering and sewing and embroidery. 
They like making something out of nothing. So I was willing to let them use
my tools. Now they can use the power circle saw to make a shelf for their own room.
Wonderful pictures! I used to live in Washington, DC and your street pictures reminded me of the Cherry Blossom festival I used to go to there.

Love the pictures of your daughters, you're obviously a proud father.
My god that street scene is beautiful. As well as are your daughters!

Happy birthday to them both :)

Thank you Mikeee-san!

Wonderful pictures! I used to live in Washington, DC and your street pictures reminded me of the Cherry Blossom festival I used to go to there.

Love the pictures of your daughters, you're obviously a proud father.

The cherry trees of DC are well known even here in Japan.
I guess DC is still bit too cold for the blooming but when they do, it must be
breath taking for sure.:love
The cherry trees of DC are well known even here in Japan.
I guess DC is still bit too cold for the blooming but when they do, it must be
breath taking for sure.:love

I'm not in the DC area any more -moved to the midwest about 20 years ago. No cherry trees anywhere :(

But we're getting the Spring snow here too. This was the weekend project to take advantage of it...
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