Another Star Ship

Hello, my friends.

I'm really ashamed to tell you but something was happened and it caused me couldn't even touch my model this week.

Well,I'm living in a small city near Tokyo.

My house is at the green arrow.

The picture of Google map happened to be showing the city of this season.
As you zoom in, you can see most of the fields are brown.

The place is basically covered with volcanic ashes of Mt. Fuji. This soil has good drainage and the condition of temperature and moisture are good for producing peanut and watermelons. So my city is known as the best and biggest production place of peanut in Japan.

That's the good side of this story. The bad side is, when they finished cropping in the late autumn, they left the farms open and plant nothing until next spring.

If we have a storm during this period-and it happens all the time - we have a situation here like this.:facepalm
???????????? - YouTube
????? - YouTube

I'm not sure if some of you might have seen like this before but it's quit a disaster

The entire city is enclosed in a dome of dust like a cocoa powder.
You can't go out and you have to seal all the windows and doors with tapes. And when it's finished, you have to clean up all over the place of your house. My work shack is in the dust and it took whole day to be cleaned up. :cry

That's what happened.:D:cry:D:cry

Now it's over and I started to touch my model again.






I will post progress soon this weekend.

Thank you for your kind care for me.


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Thank-you for the videos. I couldn't help myself, and I watched the Peanut Man video, too! :) I can't wait to visit Japan.
No need to be ashamed! (Well, unless it was your personal and sole responsibility to do the planting for your entire town. In which case yes, I'm sure your ancestors are very angry at you... :D)

Seriously, we understand. If every time I opened my door I saw a Martian dust storm like that headed my way, I'd stay inside as much as humanly possible. Whenever you can get back to the Hyperion is fine!

Off-topic question: over here (especially in the South) we boil peanuts for a snack. Is that done in Japan?
No need to be ashamed! (Well, unless it was your personal and sole responsibility to do the planting for your entire town. In which case yes, I'm sure your ancestors are very angry at you... :D)

Seriously, we understand. If every time I opened my door I saw a Martian dust storm like that headed my way, I'd stay inside as much as humanly possible. Whenever you can get back to the Hyperion is fine!

Off-topic question: over here (especially in the South) we boil peanuts for a snack. Is that done in Japan?

This town is good for living unless we have this problem.,_Chiba :D

Oh! Yes, here we boil them for a snack too. :D
I think Cadeus-san saw this video. The video is showing the boiled peanut.
The boiled peanut is not so popular in Japan but it's so sweet and taste great. They developed a special kind for the boiled peanut. It's shown in the video. A large one.:D
I understand all too well what you go through, Katsu-san! I live in the Texas panhandle, and the spring brings very windy conditions. Lubbock is surrounded by a few million acres of cotton fields. With nothing between us and New Mexico but a couple tumble weeds, really windy days make the sky red with dust. This video is of the haboob that hit the city in 2011 :
2011 Lubbock dust storm "haboob" (full video) - YouTube

thats intense katsu-san glad your out of the danger zone. looking forward to more updates.

Thank you for your kind word, metal wood-san.
I give it a try!

You are the more fortunate one, though: where you once had darker hair...I had more. :facepalm

I'm afraid that the issue of the paint scheme would make my hair go away. :facepalm

Very large indeed! And thanks, that was a cute video.

Thanks!:D It seems that guy in the video is doing this voluntary for the kids. He is traveling around the Japanese local town and introduce their farm product and tell us the best way to serve. He wants the kids to be liking the vegetables.

I understand all too well what you go through, Katsu-san! I live in the Texas panhandle, and the spring brings very windy conditions. Lubbock is surrounded by a few million acres of cotton fields. With nothing between us and New Mexico but a couple tumble weeds, really windy days make the sky red with dust. This video is of the haboob that hit the city in 2011 :
2011 Lubbock dust storm "haboob" (full video) - YouTube

Brent-san, this video reminds me how the USA is big country. Yours makes ours look like kid stuff in the sand box. Every thing in America including those natural phenomenon come with a large scale. Your ancestors really needed strong frontier spirits.

Thanks for the video, my friend.

Morning Katsu-san,

Those dust storms are wild, here in Florida we just get Hurricanes, the last time a really big one hit us was 1992, Hurricane Andrew. I still lived in England at that time but virtually the entire town i now live in was flattened.


We have been very lucky for the last 20 years with most storms missing us.

In your pictures i was very surprised to see how small your ship is.

In all other pictures i have seen it looks huge, this is a tremndous
compliment to your work, the sense of scale and presents you have created is truly fantastic and just shows me you are a true master scratch builder.

Stay safe and cocoa powder free my friend :D

Katsu-san, No need for apologies. The key point is you and your family are safe and there is very little to no damage caused by the dust. Those are your priorities, appeasing a bunch of internet geeks comes last LOL

Ok, so I've been following this thread for so long that I forgot the first stages of the build. That is to say, I forgot the actual size of this model until I saw those latest pics with it sitting upside down on your desk.

You've done such a fantastic job of creating a sense of scale for this model that it's been growing in size in my perception -- I was thinking this build is MASSIVE.
Katsu-San, I just got back to this thread. So glad that you and your family are safe. And the picture of you, a fitting Captian for such a fine ship!
You've done such a fantastic job of creating a sense of scale for this model that it's been growing in size in my perception -- I was thinking this build is MASSIVE.

I think Katsu-san is playing a joke on us. He made a giant-scale workshop to hide the fact that the model really is 6 feet long. ;)
I think Katsu-san is playing a joke on us. He made a giant-scale workshop to hide the fact that the model really is 6 feet long. ;)

I keep forgetting the actual size of this as well and great theory you have there SmilingOtter. :D
Katsu-san, one of the things I really enjoy is that you share some of your personal life and events making this thread much more than just building a model. Getting to know a little more about you, the man behind the model, makes me feel closer and more emotionally attached to this thread. Thank you for sharing all of this.
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I understand all too well what you go through, Katsu-san! I live in the Texas panhandle, and the spring brings very windy conditions. Lubbock is surrounded by a few million acres of cotton fields. With nothing between us and New Mexico but a couple tumble weeds, really windy days make the sky red with dust. This video is of the haboob that hit the city in 2011 :
2011 Lubbock dust storm "haboob" (full video) - YouTube


Thats crazy, hate to be caught outside in that! Very nice job so far Katsu, been going over your build on your starship. It will help me in mine in scratchbuilding etc a 5.5' starship which I'm just starting.
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