Another Star Ship

I'm not in the DC area any more -moved to the midwest about 20 years ago. No cherry trees anywhere :(

But we're getting the Spring snow here too. This was the weekend project to take advantage of it...

This is awesome!

Katsu-san. Thank you for those cherry blossom pictures. Many years ago my mom used to take me to Japan to go to the cherry blossom festivals. I used to have some of those masks too. I had a Kamen Rider mask, Doraemon mask and I think a Goranger mask as well. Your pictures bring back some great memories.
Katsu-san, I too would like to say thank you for showing us another little glimpse of Japan, it is most beautiful.

As for your ship, I am still in awe of the little details that you add, it is inspiring to say the least/ :thumbsup

Also please pass on a 'happy birthday' to your daughters from me.
Katsu, your daughters are born hams. :D Thank you for the pics, and please tell your daughters happy birthday, and their lives as adults have begun, and how they travel the road is at times an adventure and a terror, but the journey is well worth the the price of admission.
As long as you don't get mugged while your staring at them anyway LOL

:eek Not well known about its high crime rate.:(

I'm not in the DC area any more -moved to the midwest about 20 years ago. No cherry trees anywhere :(

But we're getting the Spring snow here too. This was the weekend project to take advantage of it...

Wow! It's the actual scale sculpture of that creature!!:thumbsup
Awesome! You should open the cooky stand there.:D

This is awesome!

Katsu-san. Thank you for those cherry blossom pictures. Many years ago my mom used to take me to Japan to go to the cherry blossom festivals. I used to have some of those masks too. I had a Kamen Rider mask, Doraemon mask and I think a Goranger mask as well. Your pictures bring back some great memories.

Thanks for the comment, Randy-san. Those items they sell at the stands
are something won't change. :) Here in Japan, many things end and start
at this period. :) Graduation and entrance to school, an end or beginning
of love, time to start the carrier as a member of society.
It reminds me many things too.

Katsu-san, I too would like to say thank you for showing us another little glimpse of Japan, it is most beautiful.

As for your ship, I am still in awe of the little details that you add, it is inspiring to say the least/ :thumbsup

Also please pass on a 'happy birthday' to your daughters from me.

Hi! Kasss Gnarl-san
I'm happy if you are interested what we are here in Japan.
My ship will take a little while to be finished but I hope I can show you her painted soon.
And Thank you very much for your kind words for my daughters.

Katsu, your daughters are born hams. :D Thank you for the pics, and please tell your daughters happy birthday, and
their lives as adults have begun, and how they travel the road is at times
an adventure and a terror, but the journey is well worth the the price of

:DSure they are! And thanks for your kind words, greylocke-san.
As for me, I feel like it's only a week ago when I could hold then both in my
arms. Time flies. They are already too big for me to do that. I could only
watch them choose their own way to go. I hope they surely take up the
course in happiness.

Thank you gentlemen! I hope you'll have a nice warm spring soon!
Hi, I'm Robert. Going through one of my sci-fi/modeling/midlife crises, and have been perusing boards of this ilk the past few days.

Stumbled upon this thread, and I had to register if only to ever comment on just this one thread alone.

What overwhelming awesomeness. Katsu's dedication, skill, willingness to share, kind words, and overall graciousness in presenting glimpses into the many facets of his life, can almost bring me to tears. I never thought a thread on a plastic modeling site could make me feel so "whole", if just for a few minutes.

And, the model many of you would think, "No no, don't touch it, it was perfect just the way it was!!", and then the next picture would be a perfect evolution of form, function, and scale. I feel like I've just witnessed something so special that I can't even come close to comprehending it; a modern day DaVinci at work, in fine scale.

Thank you Katsu, sir, for making my day.
Hi, I'm Robert. Going through one of my sci-fi/modeling/midlife crises, and have been perusing boards of this ilk the past few days.

Stumbled upon this thread, and I had to register if only to ever comment on just this one thread alone.

What overwhelming awesomeness. Katsu's dedication, skill, willingness to share, kind words, and overall graciousness in presenting glimpses into the many facets of his life, can almost bring me to tears. I never thought a thread on a plastic modeling site could make me feel so "whole", if just for a few minutes.

And, the model many of you would think, "No no, don't touch it, it was perfect just the way it was!!", and then the next picture would be a perfect evolution of form, function, and scale. I feel like I've just witnessed something so special that I can't even come close to comprehending it; a modern day DaVinci at work, in fine scale.

Thank you Katsu, sir, for making my day.

Welcome to RPF, Robert-san. And thank you very much for your
words from your sincere heart, sir.
I love building something new but I can say it clear that I could
have never achieved one tenth of what you've seen so far unless
the great supports and kind advices from all the fine people here
in this place. And also, tons of enthusiastic works by all the modelers
here are keep inspiring me every day. Some of them are professional
builder with a superb knowledge and technique and they even handle
a 3D laser cutter. Some of them are trying to build with anything they
can get. All their works move me every time I see their updates.
If the piece of plastic you made can satisfy you, it might be able to
move somebody else too, isn't it?
So, Please introduce your build to us here.
Let's enjoy the pure fun of build.:D


:DHi! Tom-san, Thank you very much for introducing my works to him.
I hope he like them and give me a straight comment.

I'm a little busy these days. Oh I want to get back to the work bench!!

...the next picture would be a perfect evolution of form, function, and scale. I feel like I've just witnessed something so special that I can't even come close to comprehending it; a modern day DaVinci at work, in fine scale.

Thank you Katsu, sir, for making my day.

I feel much the same way, especially seeing how pervasive computer models are becoming. I feel there is something so special, so human in the tactile skill in actually building something by hand...the skills and patience of Katsu is much needed in this world. It's so much more than just a model, more like a 3-D extension of the soul that created it!
I feel much the same way, especially seeing how pervasive computer models are becoming. I feel there is something so special, so human in the tactile skill in actually building something by hand...the skills and patience of Katsu is much needed in this world. It's so much more than just a model, more like a 3-D extension of the soul that created it!

I thank you very much Schwarz-san. You'll never know how much I feel grateful and proud of your words for me.

I agree. Life in every breath... Even something as mundane as washing dishes can become an exercise in spiritual enlightenment. Building models is definitely a form of meditation for me, like my bonsai. Every moment is a reflection of myself. :)
I agree. Life in every breath... Even something as mundane as washing dishes can become an exercise in spiritual enlightenment. Building models is definitely a form of meditation for me, like my bonsai. Every moment is a reflection of myself. :)

It is a very good view to the life. I guess you are in a state of serenity when you do that.

Katsu-San, a fitting ship for a beautiful country! She will serve her Empire proudly.

Thank you very much, NakedMolerat-san!
I could get a few hours to get the workbench.
Here are some pics of the present progress.

Added more detail on the underside.



I was going to put many 1mm thin strips of plastic.
An idea came up when I saw the plastic bits sticking on the masking tape.
Then I tried this as I thought if I could save time.


Put the tape on the cutting board with the glue side up and stick the strips on it. You can adjust the alignment at this moment.


I used tooth pick to apply super glue to them.

And stuck it on the place to be.



A few minutes later I peeled off the tape carefully.


It looks OK.

I thought the super glue might stuck the masking tape but it didn't.


That is all for now.

Thank you very much for looking.:D

I've been lurking around the RPF for a while now. I've been fascinated by this build of yours, and the other ship you built, (the Tempest, maybe? Built of an up-side-down aircraft carrier, yes?) Your work is inspiring! The attention to detail is outstanding. Some guys up-thread made some suggestions for paint which they mocked-up in Photoshop, and I had an idea I thought I'd share with you. (By the way, this is my very first post on this board, I finally registered just to show you this!)

My idea was that the big flat wide expanses would be used as billboards. Large, flat, clean graphics might be painted there for passengers to see as the ship docks at various space-stations as it plies the space-lanes, seeing the galaxy's sights. The opera area and the artificial beach both scream cruise ship! And I went with a purple/blue/yellow theme to contrast with the greenspaces which are visible elsewhere. The blue patch on the top of the front end is a simple graphic of a galaxy. I imagined the name of the cruise line being the White Spiral Line, a nod to the White Star Line which operated Titanic. You'll note the registry on the conning tower is "OLY-7/002". This is also a Titanic reference, OLY because Titanic was an Olympic-class passenger liner and 002, because Titanic was the second of her class (though bigger than her sister). The 7 is just because I imagined class seven might be for passenger ships of a certain size? I dunno, just making it up as I go. And it looks like your ship hit a comet... a.k.a. a space iceberg.... lol

I don't expect this will be used by you, as I'm sure you already have your ideas more fully formed, but i thought I'd share. Your project sparked a little creativity over here.

Thanks for sharing your incredible work with us! Hyperion is gorgeous!


I've been lurking around the RPF for a while now. I've been fascinated by this build of yours, and the other ship you built, (the Tempest, maybe? Built of an up-side-down aircraft carrier, yes?) Your work is inspiring! The attention to detail is outstanding. Some guys up-thread made some suggestions for paint which they mocked-up in Photoshop, and I had an idea I thought I'd share with you. (By the way, this is my very first post on this board, I finally registered just to show you this!)

My idea was that the big flat wide expanses would be used as billboards. Large, flat, clean graphics might be painted there for passengers to see as the ship docks at various space-stations as it plies the space-lanes, seeing the galaxy's sights. The opera area and the artificial beach both scream cruise ship! And I went with a purple/blue/yellow theme to contrast with the greenspaces which are visible elsewhere. The blue patch on the top of the front end is a simple graphic of a galaxy. I imagined the name of the cruise line being the White Spiral Line, a nod to the White Star Line which operated Titanic. You'll note the registry on the conning tower is "OLY-7/002". This is also a Titanic reference, OLY because Titanic was an Olympic-class passenger liner and 002, because Titanic was the second of her class (though bigger than her sister). The 7 is just because I imagined class seven might be for passenger ships of a certain size? I dunno, just making it up as I go. And it looks like your ship hit a comet... a.k.a. a space iceberg.... lol

I don't expect this will be used by you, as I'm sure you already have your ideas more fully formed, but i thought I'd share. Your project sparked a little creativity over here.

Thanks for sharing your incredible work with us! Hyperion is gorgeous!


Ohhh! This graphic is something beyond my thought!
It's truly inspiring idea to use the big screen as a blimp of the Blade Runner.
I want to consider about that idea.
And your detailed story about the logo and registry number is very interesting. I'm so glad that my little ship inspired your imagination like this way which re-inspires me a lot:D.

The problem is I had to add one more great paint scheme to my 'wanapaintlikethis' list for sure. Thank you very much for giving me another sweet trouble.:angry
And I want you to know, and everybody else who gave me those fancy ideas, kind suggestions and wonderful graphics. I never thought I could have shared so many dreams with so many fine people.
Every time I show those pics to my family members, they tell me 'You are A fortunate man!'.

Yes, I'm sure I am.

Oh! And welcome to RPF!
Looks like you have many other sweet things you should show us here.

All the best,
Katsuhiko Fujihira

Love the little round greeblies! It really adds to the overall design. :) Wonderful job so far.

Thank you SoFarking-san. I used the punch tool for the leather.

Great idea, another technique that I will have to remember!

Thank you Kasss-san. I'm glad if that would help you a little! :love
Not yet ready to paint but here are some updates and sorry for the boring pics:sleep

Detail up for the tail bulges.



Detailing up for the rather rough part at the middle section.



I put many tiny balcony on there. For passenger to look over the planet scape.


It's the other way to fill the gap :D




On the other side.






And seal this slot.






Thank you very much for looking.

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