Another Prop ID Finished

Thanks for the kind words guys! I always appreciate it!

The blog has been up in one form or another for a while, though I tend not to promote it too heavily. Most of the stuff I discuss there is embarassingly nerdy!! LOL. But I do try to make a point of making it educational when it comes to techniques, materials, and suppliers.

As for the wallet, I think I just need to fatten up the swirlies around the edges of the cards, scale them up a tiny bit, and they will be done. I'm going to replace the picture too. I found a better one. I'm going to print the pic out as a separate element, then glue it to the blank cards. THat's how they did it for the show.

This looks great Matt, and I liked the blog a lot. Your PADDS always look great, so it was fun to see them in construction on the blog!
It is a almost perfect replica of the original, it is so impressive.

For me, I never knew Cancer Man was CIA, some how I missed that.:confused