Another Plasma Blaster repaint

SSgt Burton

Sr Member
So TRU had the Buzz Bee Plasma Blasters on sale for $8.47 and I couldn't resist at that price. :)

Wasn't too sure how it would turn out- but I'm happy with the end result. I should have taken a before pic but of course I didn't (I'm terrible at remembering that :unsure :rolleyes)- anyway here's one off the net:


And the final result:




Started out by removing the stickers, then giving the whole thing a light sanding with 600 grit to help with paint adhesion.

The entire blaster was painted with Kyrlon ultra flat black which acts like a primer as well as being flat black. The only section I masked off was a small round "hole" at the tip of the muzzle to allow the flash effect to show through- the scrolling lights on the side were kinda cheesy so I painted over them.

I then used a cheapo $1 store paintbrush to paint the siver sections- the paintbrush looks really scratchy, but that is done on purpose. (Man I really must remember to take "in progess" pics!).

The silver section then got a thorough blackwash using Polly Scale "Oily Black"- really gave it a dirty used look and camouflaged any scratchy brush strokes.

Finally the black sections got a weathering with silver paint.

That looks great Kevin! Awesome work!

I think we should come up with a name for what is becoming a popular movement: taking gaudy, colored, off the shelf firearms and turning them into really cool looking sci-fi weapons. how about "Nerfing"? or maybe "Soaking", in reference to the "Super Soakers" that make for great specimens.

Any suggestions?

I think the one youv'e got there would make a great accessory to any misc. sci-fi costume that required some heavy artillery. Great as a carry around prop, as it is no doubt light, pretty durable, and frankly... looks great!
Digging the paint job, looks great - Very similar to the rifle used in Halo.

Reminds me, i've got a few nerfs to convert, need to pull the finger out and get back in the garage / makeshift workshop.

Great work! (y)thumbsup
That looks great! I don't think I've ever seen one of those, of course I haven't been looking either. Well done either way, it almost reminds me of a future version of the pulse rifle.
That looks great! I don't think I've ever seen one of those, of course I haven't been looking either. Well done either way, it almost reminds me of a future version of the pulse rifle.
You mean it almost reminds you of a Halo rifle? :lol
Very nice. Could you tell me more about your weathering on the black paint, with silver and your technique to do it, please ?

Many thanks and once again, a great job on it :)
Wow! that turned out really amazing! I love seeing repaints of mass produced items.. I saw some great repaints of Hasbro 12" Star Wars figures that really made a world of difference!
Wow, it looks really great! :thumbsup
Some day I also want to make such a cool repaint of a toy gun.

But I probably should focus first on repainting my Gears of War Lancer... :confused :)
And now that I look again at it - the paintjob should sometime look like yours!

Pics with a little bit more details would be nice.
I can not imagine how it looks like up close.
I always thought of spraying my GoW-Lancer - but painting would be better because I have no place to spray things proper...
Thanks for the compliments guys- I truly appreciated it! :thumbsup

Could you tell me more about your weathering on the black paint, with silver and your technique to do it, please ?

It's a bit of a spin on dry-brushing- thing is I don't use a brush. What I find with using a brush is that the "wear" tends to look like several cat scratches. ;)

So my techinque is to take a folded up piece of paper, dip it in some silver paint, and then rub most of the paint off (on another scrap piece of paper). Then with the paint nearly gone on the folded up paper, I then "rub" onto the black paint (very much as if I was using sand paper). The more I rub, the more "wear" an area receives. I can control how much weathering a part gets very well this way.

So I go hard on edges and raised parts and give a much lighter rub (or none at all) to recessed parts. Depending how aged I want it to look, I might go over all the black areas with a light rub.

Here's a couple of examples on my repainted Nerf Vulcan:



As with anything it has taken a lot of practice for me to get this just right.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for the compliments guys.

shotaro10- no I'm not selling it. If I did, I would post it in the junkyard.

That's a good mod. I think I once saw a gun by the same company that looks like the Spartan Laser. I've been thinking about getting one of these and doing a mod like this.