another iron man geek


Well-Known Member
phew, so busy this few weeks it took me a long time to post my pepakura works so here they are folks:

iron man (dungbeetle model v3)

warmachine (juice model)

ultimate iron man

still pepin' my dungbeetle version 2 model and will post a few udates as soon as i get to them. happy viewing comrades!

dungbeetle series

HD series

ultimate iron man

warmachine series

simple ironman
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Very nice peps, you have done a fine job, are you going to resin them?

thanks for the comment kagn but i think i'm goin' for the woodmache and body filler method because i cant handle the fumes of those chemicals and resin is very scarce here in the philippines. only a few master propers know where to find them.
smokes ... those pep files worked out nicely ... great job on your start ... I hope you do actually build armor for all three of these ... if I may ask do you have a link to the ultimate files or can you share your files with me? just asking ...
phew, so busy this few weeks it took me a long time to post my pepakura works so here they are folks:

iron man (dungbeetle model v3)

warmachine (juice model)

ultimate iron man

still pepin' my dungbeetle version 2 model and will post a few udates as soon as i get to them. happy viewing comrades!

nice =)
starseed18: actually, i used 2 versions of the model. version 1 for the crown, upper faceplate and version 2 for the lower faceplate and jaw.

jarvis: i'm planning to build a hall of helmets only hehehehe

sabertech: dont worry comrade, as soon as my computer is fixed(busted motherboard), i'll post some of the pep files that i used.

cricket: thanks for the comment bro

ironmaided: salamat parekoy!
Nice pep job. Just a question? Wood mache? Care to share how to mix that one?

take 1 bag of sawdust, clean it up free of any debris, mix it up with whiteglue or woodglue, apply on helmet just like the resin method, let it dry on sunlight then presto, instant solid helmet model then apply body fillers/bondo. i'll show you what i mean by this method as soon as i find my friend's how-to about this one. this method is very popular in the philippines.
oh snaps! double post! sorry for that one guys. oh and next week, i'll be uploading my collection of IM pep files.