Another ANH Obi-Wan with some real parts

ATL Kenobi

Sr Member
This is my ANH Obi Wan prop replica.






It's made from the following parts:

Original 16-hole Derwent interconnector. It's not 100% prop accurate, but like the one lonepigeon had first found. My interconnector was found by Bob Jarrett of Classic Jets Fighter Museum in Australia (I have his permission to post his name). Bob DOES NOT have any more extra interconnectors, and the ones in his Meteor have 10-holes. I've considered having it machined to look more prop-like, but per Serafino's wisdom, because of the Inconel material it's made of, I'm leaving it as is for now. I personally don't believe the emitter is crimped to the No3 pineapple :) . I think what is seen is actually blobs of solder (which I don't plan to add) around the inner ring of the interconnector. I think this also is why the neck of the original No3 is shiny. Steel wool was probably used to clean the brass much like a plumber would do with copper pipe before soldering.
The interconnector is attached to the No.3 using two stainless steel washers sandwiching a rubber washer ala the drum-sander principle. When everything is tightened the washers smash the rubber inside the interconnector and it will not come off!
BTW- This flat type interconnector clamped together with a prop correct beveled interconnector make up a balance pipe assembly.

Original No.3 Mk.1. Once again, not exactly prop accurate, but good enough for me! I got this from Lordsandy through the RPF junkyard . I had to strip the original mustard yellow coating and apply some gun bluing. Also darkened one end of the neck and polished the other.

Original Graflex clamp. Chrome plated brass unit from a 2-cell flash off of eBay. I do not intend to drill a hole in it to add a cotter pin :D .

Original Exactra-19 display bubbles. Also off of eBay. Getting it to fit properly is one pain in the arse :confused . I did take several photos that show how it was removed and modified.

Original and real Motorola MA909 and MA205 transistors. Has correct "MA" nomenclature. I'm an electrical engineer, and I've specified transistors since 1980. There is not a semiconductor manufacture with a logo that could be an "N" followed with a subscript 2. After conferring with several other EEs, it was concluded that it has to be a Motorola "M" with the right leg removed. (The transistors on the original prop are heavily scratched and damaged). My 2 cents :p .

Home-made stainless steel spacers (washers). I personally like the two washer version.

Original ANM2 bearing/booster. This item was found for me by an MG collector who goes by the name nfacol on both eBay and He DOES NOT have any more. Finding mine was a real fluke.

Not-so original but genuine Armitage-Shanks handwheel. Got this from RPF member kurtyboy. It's the 2-piece version and I snoozed when Sporak recently sold his original 4-piece version :cry . I drilled the handwheel and added the D-ring.

The whole thing is solidly put together using 3/8" threaded lamp tubing adapted down to a 10-32 threaded rod to fit through the smaller hole of the booster. I also used lamp hardware, washers, spacers, locknuts, and a nylon bumper and the transistors were hot-melt glued on. I fitted a polished aluminum stamping I had lying around inside the emitter.

My other saber, my first, is from Roman's Empire. It's my AFBB.


ATL Kenobi
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SWEEET. I love an all real parts Obi. Are you sure the grenade is real? It looks like a Parks granade with those windvane letters. What's the blade made out of in the Roman pic and how did you put it in?
Fantastic work. That's a real beauty of an "old, beat up lightsaber" :thumbsup Definitely a piece to be proud of. Thanks for sharing.
When I see that Derwent interconnector, I think the guys at LFL were on to something when they built the ROTS Obi saber. Come on, the ROTS saber's emmiter has that SAME raised area in the center ;) . It could've been another variation as there are only 12 holes and the emmiter is completely solid. It's just people here thought the LFL guys were SOOOO dumb listing the emmiter as a "sink drain" for SO LONG (Sheesh. I never thought that part would be ID'd. Pretty smart move though. If I knew something people wanted to know, I'd lie too just to make them go through SO much trouble trying to ID something I already knew about :love .) when the part was found MONTHS after ROTS came out :love . I think LFL knew it was a Derwent interconnector, but probably didn't know which variation was correct.

Just my 2 cents ;) .
Simply awesome lightsaber.
Please tell us how you did your washers.

<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 10 2006, 02:48 AM) [snapback]1277551[/snapback]</div>
Are you sure the grenade is real? It looks like a Parks granade with those windvane letters.[/b]
Only the windwave looks close to a Parks grenade. It also flares out like that at the bottom and has the writing replicated. The shaft and grenade body have obvious differences.
<div class='quotetop'>(Darth Lars @ Jul 9 2006, 08:22 PM) [snapback]1277570[/snapback]</div>
Simply awesome lightsaber.
Please tell us how you did your washers.

<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 10 2006, 02:48 AM) [snapback]1277551[/snapback]
Are you sure the grenade is real? It looks like a Parks granade with those windvane letters.[/b]
Only the windwave looks close to a Parks grenade. It also flares out like that at the bottom and has the writing replicated. The shaft and grenade body have obvious differences.

What do you mean?
Sweet monkey-love... Beautiful... :eek I wish you had found the correct balance pipes though... :cry

<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 10 2006, 12:48 AM) [snapback]1277551[/snapback]</div>
Are you sure the grenade is real? It looks like a Parks granade with those windvane letters.

That's definitely a real grenade. One tell is the "cut" marks on the steel body.
Parks based his latest grenade on the real deal, which is why the two wind-vanes look alike. There are many different variations. Most have the lettering. A few do not (or at least it's been worn off).
Well that cleared it up for me Roman. I just thought it wasn't real because Parks's grenade has that same lettering and isn't as accurate as yours. That's why I doubted its authenticity. Sorry man. I must say it's in excellent condition for being 90+ yrs. old and such. That also made me doubt it being real.
Hey ATL welcome, glad to see you made it, congratulations. I think we'd better watch out for you. ;)

Hey JunkSabers, I can't agree with your thinking about LFL. For one thing, I've never seen a single quote of LFL saying ANYTHING about the Obi saber, certainly not that the emitter was a sink drain. That was a prop-world theory, and not the only one. As to the raised area, hang around for awhile and you'll find out that most of the time a coincidence is just that, a coincidence. The only people who are on record as knowing details on the original Obi saber are the folks at Bapty (the prop rental place in UK which provided most of the props for the movie), and all they had to say apparently when shown a picture years later was: "That's an expensive grenade". ;)

<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 9 2006, 06:18 PM) [snapback]1277566[/snapback]</div>
When I see that Derwent interconnector, I think the guys at LFL were on to something when they built the ROTS Obi saber. Come on, the ROTS saber's emmiter has that SAME raised area in the center ;) . It could've been another variation as there are only 12 holes and the emmiter is completely solid. It's just people here thought the LFL guys were SOOOO dumb listing the emmiter as a "sink drain" for SO LONG (Sheesh. I never thought that part would be ID'd. Pretty smart move though. If I knew something people wanted to know, I'd lie too just to make them go through SO much trouble trying to ID something I already knew about :love .) when the part was found MONTHS after ROTS came out :love . I think LFL knew it was a Derwent interconnector, but probably didn't know which variation was correct.

Just my 2 cents ;) .
<div class='quotetop'>(Serafino @ Jul 10 2006, 12:30 AM) [snapback]1277728[/snapback]</div>
Hey ATL welcome, glad to see you made it, congratulations. I think we'd better watch out for you. ;)

Hey JunkSabers, I can't agree with your thinking about LFL. For one thing, I've never seen a single quote of LFL saying ANYTHING about the Obi saber, certainly not that the emitter was a sink drain. That was a prop-world theory, and not the only one. As to the raised area, hang around for awhile and you'll find out that most of the time a coincidence is just that, a coincidence. The only people who are on record as knowing details on the original Obi saber are the folks at Bapty (the prop rental place in UK which provided most of the props for the movie), and all they had to say apparently when shown a picture years later was: "That's an expensive grenade". ;)

<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 9 2006, 06:18 PM) [snapback]1277566[/snapback]
When I see that Derwent interconnector, I think the guys at LFL were on to something when they built the ROTS Obi saber. Come on, the ROTS saber's emmiter has that SAME raised area in the center ;) . It could've been another variation as there are only 12 holes and the emmiter is completely solid. It's just people here thought the LFL guys were SOOOO dumb listing the emmiter as a "sink drain" for SO LONG (Sheesh. I never thought that part would be ID'd. Pretty smart move though. If I knew something people wanted to know, I'd lie too just to make them go through SO much trouble trying to ID something I already knew about :love .) when the part was found MONTHS after ROTS came out :love . I think LFL knew it was a Derwent interconnector, but probably didn't know which variation was correct.

Just my 2 cents ;) .

MR's weathered Obi saber has a certificate of some sorts that lists the emmiter as some sort of "sink Drain". And don't they usually get their info from LFL? AFAIK, MR hardly ever listens to the stuff like what is posted on this site. Thanks for correcting me on that Serafino.
Thanks all for the kind words. :$

<div class='quotetop'>(Duck9000 @ Jul 9 2006, 08:45 PM) [snapback]1277548[/snapback]</div>
AWESOME job. :eek

How long did it take for you to complete this saber?

I first contacted the fellow regarding the interconnector in mid-December '05, but the first part I bought was the No.3 which I got the first week of January '06. The last part, the booster was obtained at the end of this past April, so I guess it was about four months. That even surprises me :eek . It seemed a whole lot longer.

<div class='quotetop'></div>
Please tell us how you did your washers.[/b]

Darth Lars - I was fortunate enough to get a couple of engineering samples from a hardware vendor of some 1/2"O.D. x 1/4" I.D. x 1/8" THK stainless steel spacers. I drilled out the hole to 5/16", and counter-bored one side to fit over the transistor tabs. (I actually used a wood turning lathe to do this :lol , and I can't recommend anyone trying this at home :rolleyes ). I did use a drill press and an 82 degree countersink bit to chamfer the top of the spacer.

<div class='quotetop'></div>
I wish you had found the correct balance pipes though... [/b]

Yeah Roman, me too.

<div class='quotetop'></div>
What's the blade made out of in the Roman pic and how did you put it in?[/b]

Technically, it's a 3ft polished 1/2" solid aluminum Class 1 Air Terminal- (It's a lightning rod ;) ). See:
Air Terminals
I also used 1/8 IP threaded lamp tubing to construct my Roman's saber, and simply used a brass plumbing fitting from Lowe's to adapt to the larger threads of the lightning rod.

...and thanks Wackychimp for hosting my pictures.
<div class='quotetop'>(ATL Kenobi @ Jul 10 2006, 07:28 PM) [snapback]1278281[/snapback]</div>
Thanks all for the kind words. :$

<div class='quotetop'>(Duck9000 @ Jul 9 2006, 08:45 PM) [snapback]1277548[/snapback]
AWESOME job. :eek

How long did it take for you to complete this saber?

I first contacted the fellow regarding the interconnector in mid-December '05, but the first part I bought was the No.3 which I got the first week of January '06. The last part, the booster was obtained at the end of this past April, so I guess it was about four months. That even surprises me :eek . It seemed a whole lot longer.

<div class='quotetop'></div>
Please tell us how you did your washers.[/b]

Darth Lars - I was fortunate enough to get a couple of engineering samples from a hardware vendor of some 1/2"O.D. x 1/4" I.D. x 1/8" THK stainless steel spacers. I drilled out the hole to 5/16", and counter-bored one side to fit over the transistor tabs. (I actually used a wood turning lathe to do this :lol , and I can't recommend anyone trying this at home :rolleyes ). I did use a drill press and an 82 degree countersink bit to chamfer the top of the spacer.

<div class='quotetop'></div>
I wish you had found the correct balance pipes though... [/b]

Yeah Roman, me too.

<div class='quotetop'></div>
What's the blade made out of in the Roman pic and how did you put it in?[/b]

Technically, it's a 3ft polished 1/2" solid aluminum Class 1 Air Terminal- (It's a lightning rod ;) ). See:
Air Terminals
I also used 1/8 IP threaded lamp tubing to construct my Roman's saber, and simply used a brass plumbing fitting from Lowe's to adapt to the larger threads of the lightning rod.

...and thanks Wackychimp for hosting my pictures.

Are you sure you want to be using a lightning rod as a blade? Isn't that dangerous?
<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 11 2006, 12:28 AM) [snapback]1278274[/snapback]</div>
AFAIK, MR hardly ever listens to the stuff like what is posted on this site.

JunkSabers, poke around here a little more. You'll find some interesting history. MR is just a bunch of guys like us who happened to get a license from Lucas. The theories/conclusions found here are the best youÂ’ll find anywhere. ALL the OB1 discoveries happened on the RPF. No other board. That should say a lot. Even to someone like MR. And a bit of history you may be unaware of is that Steve Dymso (VP of MR) was a member here at the RPF loooooong before he helped start MR.
<div class='quotetop'>(Romans Empire @ Jul 10 2006, 08:05 PM) [snapback]1278311[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 11 2006, 12:28 AM) [snapback]1278274[/snapback]
AFAIK, MR hardly ever listens to the stuff like what is posted on this site.

JunkSabers, poke around here a little more. You'll find some interesting history. MR is just a bunch of guys like us who happened to get a license from Lucas. The theories/conclusions found here are the best youÂ’ll find anywhere. ALL the OB1 discoveries happened on the RPF. No other board. That should say a lot. Even to someone like MR. And a bit of history you may be unaware of is that Steve Dymso (VP of MR) was a member here at the RPF loooooong before he helped start MR.

Sorry for my mistake. It's just I rarely got to read any of the board topics before I joined, so I only got to read snippets from various members. Some of the posts did have a lot of "MR don't listen" and "They do as they please with their product's accuracy" material in them and that's just what I thought about the whole situation.
Again, I am so sorry for any mistakes or misguided info I have posted. I am a complete newbie when it comes to props and other things like that. I know quite a bit, but there is a LOT more to be learned.
oh they listen...

and now your not allowed to buy stuff from them anymore... :(

:p just kidding,

yeah there are MR reps that pop up from time to time...

ill let them speak for themselves if they feel the need.

they are actually really cool and nice people, and they have nothing to do with the manufacturing problems that MR has unfortunately had a few problems with.

they have always been helpful to board members with damaged goods etc. (at least in my experience ;) )

so, yes, in short... they do read whats said here from time to time.
Do you think if they read some of these threads about Obi sabers with all real parts that they might release an EE ANH Weathered Obi Wan saber in the future that matches the real parts perfectly :) ? I have the 2006 mini ANH and every time I see it it just burns me up that nothing was done to improve its look even after the correct emmiter, booster, handwheel, and grenade have been found. And why re-release it? Is it because sellers were racking up $60.00-$120.00 (at least one auction went this high) with these things on ebay?
<div class='quotetop'>(JunkSabers1138 @ Jul 11 2006, 09:48 AM) [snapback]1278567[/snapback]</div>
Do you think if they read some of these threads about Obi sabers with all real parts that they might release an EE ANH Weathered Obi Wan saber in the future that matches the real parts perfectly :) ? I have the 2006 mini ANH and every time I see it it just burns me up that nothing was done to improve its look even after the correct emmiter, booster, handwheel, and grenade have been found. And why re-release it? Is it because sellers were racking up $60.00-$120.00 (at least one auction went this high) with these things on ebay?

Off Topic Sorry:
I doubt they care but I actually think the mini looks really good.. I was very impressed with it.
