ANH Luke Saber questions


Sr Member
OK, now that I have a real Graflex, I want to finish it off ANH style. So I am hoping to find some good pics of an original (screen shots or other).

Also need info on accurate parts. I know about the calculator bubbles, but what should I expect to pay if I find one? Also is there original T-track available (am considering Ginos). I have a wtb in the junkyard about d rings, but would like definative info on the real deal (type, positioning, type & size of rivet used, etc.). Glue to use to attach t-track?

Also it seems my graflex has the part of the clamp sticking out positioned on the left of the cylinder with a metal pin(?) in the groove, how should I go about changing that?

After poting this I read on the parts of SW site that the pics he has are not the same position as used on screen, so I guess I don't need to move it.

How that for a bit of nagging questions. lol


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We do not have really great references for this saber aside from some press photos, so you could use either Gino's grips or Saberfreaks grips and they would be accurate in my book.

As to the clamp. It moves throughout filming, so I would say just pick a photo and copy the position.

The d-ring question has been answered in you Junkyard thread. Go with the Tandy d-ring if you can get it. As to the rivot and position on the bottom, there are no good shots of how the d-ring was aligned to the graflex stamping.

The bulbs are easy aproximately $10-20 for a replica set (don't get the Parks version which are 8 bubbles, 7 is the number you want), and 30-40 for a real calculator- depending on how lucky you are on e-bay.

Good luck, post pics

The screen shots and production photos show that the clamp and bottom tube are always shown in the same orientation.

It is believed that the lower tube and clamp were possible glued together, the difference in position is due to the top tube being moved around.

You can attach the grips in accurate positions using the clamp as a reference point regardless of the top tube orientation.
Here's a question I have about the ANH saber:

I just bought a converted Graflex the other day, and this was the D-Ring that came attached:

I know about the correct Tandy D-Ring rig (I have one), but what I'm wondering is if this is accurate at all? Was there a version of the ANH saber with this kind of attachment? I see a LOT of fan converted Graflexes with this same D-Ring on it. What's the deal?

Also, I know I have the wrong number of grips on the saber. That will be getting corrected in the nearish future once I buy some more T-track off Saberfreak.
Thanks for the photos, Gino. Very nice saber. I am aware of your T-track, and it really is perfect. Unfortunately, it just doesn't fit my budget.

Any info on the D-ring?

I remember seeing some different templates for grip placement on the forums some ware but I can’t seem to find them now. If someone has a link to the templates post it. They where very helpful to me when I did my Luke ANH saber.
A rivet was used in most every other screen-seen ANH prop.

The Allen Head screw was popular for years because Blast-tech uses them in his conversion kits and a bolt and nut are easier for everyone then a pop riven gun.

Rivet is accurate.
I've got a pop rivet gun, so doing that is no problem.

What I'm wondering is if the double riveted D-Ring currently on my Graflex is in anyway correct for an ANH saber, or is the Tandy D-Ring the ONLY way to go accuracy-wise?

ps - if anyone wants me to pop rivet any sabers or anything for them, I'd be happy to do so.