Angel props


Sr Member
I need a prop from this show, but I can't figure out what to get. There is nothing I can think of that Jumps out at me as a great item. I have been trying to limit all my non-star wars collecting to one iconic thing from each of my favorite shows. I do have one of the business cards, and I have seen folks selling the coffee mug and teeth (which i wanted, but did not end up getting) ANYWAY I am looking for suggestions. :confused
I was thinking something from Wolfram & Heart since I really thought the show was at its greatest in season 5 but even then I can't seem to find a good item.
Any ideas?
How about when Angel was a puppet? That's the only one I can think of off the top of my head that would be memorable.

There's the ring (The Gem of Amarra) from the 1st season episode "In The Dark". Though I probably wouldn't consider it too iconic. There's probably a lot of people that forgot about it. I don't know if there are many good screen shots of it.

I know there were some other artifacts or whatnot that they sought out from time to time, but I can't think of any off hand nor can I think of one that really stands out.

I don't feel like I've helped that much, but maybe there is some info here for you.
Never sold any mugs. Not enough interest. What did you like about the series? I have the W&H business cards, picture of the Hotel, and one of the sorry ass puppets. Not that much out there. You would have to make it. Maybe Angel's stakes from season one?


Thanks for the suggestions - The puppet would be cool, but they only sell the 1/2 size one, and like many people I want it full-sized.
I like all the seasons, I just thought that that last season was the perfect final season, and everything was at it's best (plus it was great adding in Spike) i tried to fine something from Angel's office but nothing stands out. I suppose I could do some type of paper prop thing - all framed together - although at this point all I have is the Angels business card, I could probably get a W&H card as well. But I can't think of any other good paper pieces, actually I can, the contract Angel signs to take over W&H that takes away everyones memory of Conner, and the Customs release form that Gunn signs that leads to Fred's death. but i have never seen with of those done.
I suppose I could have something made that is similar (but smaller) then the sign you see at the outside of the building that reads "Wolfram & Heart Attorneys at Law"
Some ideas:
-The necklace that Angel gives to Buffy who in turns gives it to Spike and eventually gets back to Angel again.
-The ring he gives Buffy is cheap and pretty cool.
-Stake gauntlets
-Angelus' soul jar

If I think of anything else I will post as they come to me.

-The necklace that Angel gives to Buffy who in turns gives it to Spike and eventually gets back to Angel again.
-Angelus' soul jar

Those are great ideas!
And thanks, keelhauler for the heads-up of the full-size puppet.

As for Charisma, I would love to add that to my collection.:rolleyes
- I had the chance to chat with her a few times, she was a real doll, a happy and very lovely girl. Seems very content with raising Donovan who I believe is 5 this year. That is a full time job enough for anyone:). Well that and the fact that Angel and Buffy both play on TV constantly so the checks keep a coming:love
I thought I had seen somewhere an "Orb of Thessalus" (sp?) that came in a wooden display box...

You mean this orb?

While the Orb of Thessala was a cool prop (and used on the character of Angel) it is a Buffy prop and not from Angel, so it doesn't work for this.
Still a good suggestion as I eventually need a prop from Buffy as well:rolleyes
Angel - Shanshu Scrolls?

Anybody have any pics of the shanshu scrolls from the tv series "Angel"?

Anything would be helpful!

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