Almost Human

I got the Dredd vibe from a lot in this show, and especially when they mentioned "The Wall."

I truly hope this show makes it, as it's smartly written, and well acted. There's a certain "it-factor" that makes it interesting.
I bet this show will have an as great ending as Lost :facepalm

Nice to see more of Gina Carano. I thought she was good in Haywire

Boring conversation anyways.

In that scene Han clearly shoots first :D

Order aired vs intended order:

1.01 Pilot (#1.01)
1.02 “Skin”- (#1.05)
1.03 “Are You Receiving” – (#1.06)
1.04 “The Bends” – (#1.07)
1.05 “Blood Brothers” – (#1.08)
1.06 “Arrhythmia” – (#1.03)
1.07 “Simon Says” – (#1.10)
1.08 “You Are Here” – (#1.02)
1.09 “Unbound” – (#1.09)
1.10 “Perception” – (#1.04)

:facepalm well done :lol
Probably a silly thing, but I was in front of the TV when the XRN pulled up in the taxi. I noticed the QR code on the door, so I whipped out my phone & scanned it. I was surprised to see that it took me to an actual airport taxi service in the San Francisco area.

Little things like that make me want to go back & check the backgrounds of every scene. I was really trying to read the fliers on 'The Wall', but they seemed to be just set dressing.

Do things like this excite any others, or is it just me?
Probably a silly thing, but I was in front of the TV when the XRN pulled up in the taxi. I noticed the QR code on the door, so I whipped out my phone & scanned it. I was surprised to see that it took me to an actual airport taxi service in the San Francisco area.

Little things like that make me want to go back & check the backgrounds of every scene. I was really trying to read the fliers on 'The Wall', but they seemed to be just set dressing.

Do things like this excite any others, or is it just me?
I scanned that code and it came up as some generic taxi description in all caps. Maybe I missed something.
I think Karl is definitely a weapons and prop guy. However, I have to stress this about Karl. I had to do a fitting with him for his holsters and we got to chat about the show for a little. I have to say, Karl is extremely passionate about his work and his character. I'm not saying that because I'm a huge Dredd fan.... lol.... but because its true. While on set and watching him work... he was always very particular about what he did and how things went. He told me specifics about the gun and how the one I built for him just "fit" his character. As well as the new grips. I did find something very cool about him. I had made a comment to him about how we indirectly worked on another project together. He said... "yeah, I know... you built the phasers for Trek". I thought that was pretty cool of him. I don't know who told him but he knew who I was. I guess that's my geek moment. Most of the time, I'm the guy at the bottom of the food chain. Not that I mind... I love what I do and working for Almost Human is probably one of my favorite shows to be a part of.

The studio has done a amazing job with this project. The main police HQ is f@cking amazing! Seeing it on TV by no means compares to the actual set. I was very impressed. I hope to be a part of this project for a while, if they'll have me.

One thing.... I like what you say, Bad Wolf...... I think the "Kennex Gun" works really nice. You guys find any of the hidden stuff on the guns. Well, some of it not so hidden. LOL I'll give you a hint. Some of it is cop related details.

Do you make the Genii pistol used by Robert Davi? It looks close.
There are a lot of posts about a single story line. It seems a lot of shows are doing this, they did it on Enterprise with the Xindi. What I like about TOS was that every episode was standalone you didn't need a back story to know what was going on also if you missed an episode, no big deal you didn't miss an important plot point.
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Anyway Almost Human is a great show, very I, Robot. Although there was an I, Robot sequel in the works written by Ron Moore.
Funny about the I, Robot sequel. I was commissioned years ago to build new parts to refurbish left over screen used guns from the first movie for the anticipated sequel. That's how close we came. Now, the guns are recycled through new shows etc. If memory serves... I think we put together 6 hero guns.
ALMOST HUMAN: Minka Kelly Teases Valerie?s Secret | Give Me My Remote

"Valerie has an overwhelming amount of compassion and empathy, and that’s her gift in the precinct. And that how she’s able to connect to these criminals and get them to tell her their stories, because this far in the future, we’re all so used to texting and emailing – we’re all so robotic — that we have stopped connecting on a human, emotional level. Valerie still has that."
There are a lot of posts about a single story line. It seems a lot of shows are doing this, they did it on Enterprise with the Xindi. What I like about TOS was that every episode was standalone you didn't need a back story to know what was going on also if you missed an episode, no big deal you didn't miss an important plot point.

Stand-alone-episodes is a thing of the past, and by past I mean pre-vcr. Missing an episode isn't a very good excuse, especially in this day and age.
For people that prefer stand-alone sort of stuff there is a little something called movies :p
I haven't watched tonight's episode yet but that is very disappointing. I thought these last 5 episodes would be in order considering JJ listed only the first 8 episodes actual intended airing order in his original statement and JH Wyman said that "It's okay that they are out of order for the first 7 or so -- then, they should really be in order."

Though I did see the updated list you posted earlier in the thread which means tonight's episode was actually number 4 instead of ten. Oh well, still hoping they pick it up for a second season so I don't feel like all the time I spent on screen grabs, tracking down found items, and working on making some replicas was all for naught.
I still feel like it's missing "something"- I can't put my finger on it, but the show still hasn't quite grasped my complete attention. I've seen every episode in it's entirety and while each episode is fun and has cool tech and whatnot, I still feel like I'm losing interest very slowly.

I get what you are saying. Don't get me wrong, I love the show, the tech and the characters are great. I think the one thing that is causing the "missing" factor might be from the episodes airing out of order. Before reading that they were aired out of order, just based on watching them each week, I could tell that something wasn't right. Unless you are REALLY into the show you won't really notice it.

Last night's episode made it apparent that they have been aired out of order. Kennex's flashbacks seemed weird this late in the series.

For me, the thing that is missing is the developing story of the Insyndicate group. They are an "outlaw/hacker/rebel" type group...and in the future with the type of technology we have seen so far....makes them a huge opponent for the police. And they seem to be tied to what happened with the ambush and Kennex losing his leg.

Also, the fact that last night we found out that someone has been "listening to Kennex" in his apartment makes me wonder what they (I'm assuming it's Insyndicate) want/need from him. His old love interest, Anna, seems to be a major player in Insyndicate.

GET TO THIS STORYLINE! Who is Insyndicate? What do they want with Kennex? Is Dr. Vaughn a major player in Insyndicate?

If the show gets back to this, I'll be hooked for good!
Right. I'd be totally hooked if it had a linear storyline. Give me a villain or group I can hate consistently, not these small-time criminals that just keep getting busted week after week.

I still haven't missed an episode yet, so I'm still holding out hope.
Right. I'd be totally hooked if it had a linear storyline. Give me a villain or group I can hate consistently, not these small-time criminals that just keep getting busted week after week.

I still haven't missed an episode yet, so I'm still holding out hope.

I think that is because Fox is airing the episodes out of order. I think there would be more continuity if they just released them as intended.

Seems like Fox is killing their own show. I really hope there is a second season. It's worth building on!
Well I like that it gives Valarie something beyond just sitting back at the precinct and making doe eyes at Kennix every third episode. For a detective she sure doesn't get out much, the lab geek leaves the building more often.

I really hope when the show is released on DVD and Blu-Ray that it's in intended order and not broadcast order. It's bad enough watching them so obviously out of order now.
Caught this last episode tonight. This one seemed to have such a serious tone. I liked it, but the interaction between the two of them seemed "regular" not like they were still getting to know each other. There was still that little distrust there, but not as much if they were trying to get used to each other. I don't understand why they pushed this one back, unless they planned not to air this episode, and since the series is doing well, decided to throw it in the mix.
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