All Star Trek coming to Netflix.


Sr Member
Netflix and CBS have signed a deal which allows Netflix to stream every Trek tv episode ever produced beginning July 1. The deal is for all 726 episodes filmed from 1966-2005 but excludes the animated Trek series.
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Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

The Animated Series is currently available at :D

I'm looking forward to this... mostly because it's hard to find DS9 and VOY in syndication these days. There are actually episodes I may have never seen or only saw once due to being deployed when the shows were on the air.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

I could watch DS9 all day and all night. This news made my night! Goodbye productivity, hello Captain Sisko.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Looks like it's time for me to finally watch Voyager and maybe DS9.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Netflix Update: All Star Trek TV Series To Begin Streaming In July |

Netflix streaming every Star Trek series starting in July

The new CBS/Netflix streaming deal has just kicked in and some shows have started showing up on Netflix streaming, including genre shows The Twilight Zone and Twin Peaks, but a number of other shows like Frasier, Family Ties, and the various Star Trek shows haven’t yet been made available for streaming. After seeing some Twitter questions about this and getting some emails, TrekMovie checked with Netflix who gave us an exclusive update on their plans for Star Trek.

Firstly Netflix confirmed they will be streaming every episode of every season for all five live-action Star Trek series: the original Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Enterprise. TOS, TNG, Voyager and Enterprise will all become available on July 1st. DS9 will launch on October 1st. TOS and Enterprise will be available in HD. The only Trek TV that Netflix will not be streaming is Star Trek: The Animated Series from the 70s, as that show was not included in the CBS deal.

This new deal will make Netflix the first service to offer commercial-free streaming of any Star Trek series. Currently only the original Star Trek series, the animated Star Trek series, and Enterprise are available with ad-supported streaming at, so Netflix will also be the first service to offer any kind of streaming for TNG, DS9 or Voyager. And in the case of TNG, Netflix will be the first digital delivery of any kind as that popular series is still the only Star Trek show not available at iTunes.

The Netflix/CBS licensing deal is for USA only and covers two years with an option to be extended for two additional years. Also the CBS/Netflix deal is not exclusive, so it is possible that in the future we could see Star Trek show up on other streaming services.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Now I need to figure out what to do with the ST DVD sets that I have.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Doesn't everyone just own every Star Trek episode?

Well, at 70 dollars a season, 1 series with 3 seasons, 3 series with 7 seasons and one more with 4... that works out to be $1,960 USD. Then you can add another 40 in for The Animated Series. So $2,000 for all of it on a format that might not last another 10 years.

So all I own is the 1st season of TOS on Bluray.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Small price to pay for quality television.

And I've already owned them for well over ten years.

If you wait for some "permanent" format, you'll be waiting a long time.

And if everyone took that attitude, we wouldn't get any video.

You need to SUPPORT what you like or you'll end up with crap.

And isn't that what you guys ***** about all the time, crap movies and television.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Preach it Mike!

Nothing like popping a disc in whenever you want.

I bought the seasons as they came out at 99.99 a pop and was GLAD to do it!
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

Well, at 70 dollars a season,


The TOS set I have started at $29.95 for TWO episodes when the first discs were released and was still $19.95 for the LAST disc.

So 40 discs at an average of say $25 per disc, that's more like $1000 JUST for TOS. And that was after buying the VHS as $30 for ONE EPISODE.

Also I have 3 1/2 seasons of STTNG on LASERDISC, those were $59.95 for TWO EPISODEs and they never finished the set.

You're welcome.
Re: All Star Trek coming to Netlix.

I've got the TOS on Beta. Complete with vintage commercials on some of them. Screw ya fancy shiny discs.