Aliens smartgunner headset - FINISHED!


Master Member
Well, this sucker has been a long time in the making, almost 6 or 7 years.
This was a kit created and released by SRDD (Steve Radler, Dean Dymerski). I can't tell you why it took so long, I started in on it, then sat it back to work on other things. Finally got back to it about a month ago. It's pretty accurate to the screen used piece, and I was able to use a few source items.
-adjustable eye stalk (moves in four directions)
-adjustable microphone
-real ear speaker cut from an old set of headphones
-real Vivitar flash hinge disc
-real camera lens
-real Byerdynamic headband
-real Byerdynamic microphone
-real plugs on the ends of the eye stalk and microphone wires
-several tiny screws
-resin copy of the Megatron cannon
(all of the real parts are accurate to the screen used parts)

A HUGE thanks goes out to our own Harry Harris who was so kind as to supply me with reference as well as many of the real parts, THANKS HARRY!!!
All of the parts were painted with grey Krylon primer, then Krylon flat black and finally with a coat of Testors Brown Earth for that BB effect.





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Sah-weeet!! That looks awesome.
I have one of those glass heads in black. I use it to display one of my X-Wing helmets. They're really cool.
And what is it with these glass heads? Noone really ever buys em they just turn up. I found one in my old house at the back of a closet. No idea who's it was...
Nice!!! I still dont have one myself! Have the molds just toooo busy to cast one myself, or it could be just laziness
Dean, I should have apologized all those years ago for the way I acted to you in reguards to buying this kit. I was out of line and rude.

I hope you can forgive me.:redface

And thank you for the kind words. I can't believe after all this time you STILL don't have one for yourself! It's been, what, 10 years since you originally created it?
Dean, I should have apologized all those years ago for the way I acted to you in reguards to buying this kit. I was out of line and rude.

I hope you can forgive me.:redface

And thank you for the kind words. I can't believe after all this time you STILL don't have one for yourself! It's been, what, 10 years since you originally created it?

Cant remember what happened and dont care...keep up the good work, and yup...been about 10 years!

Well, if you ever do remember, know that I apologize fully and with all sincerity.

This kit was so good, I kinda wish I had another. Oh, the things you come up with for building something better AFTER you're done.:unsure

Brilliant, you can't get any better than that :thumbsup

Congrats on such an accurate prop Mate :)

