Aliens M314 Motion Tracker - Yes, another one or two with CAD and 3d printing


Sr Member
Yes another M314 tracker thread.
Ive been slowly gathering found parts for my build, but noticed there was not an accurate 3d model of one....
So whay not build a found parts one and a super accurate 3d printed one..

Ill start with the Kango 426 - here is my dissasembled one with a couple of other parts


Starting with the handle right side

426-handle v1331.png

426-handle v133.png

Left side
426-handle v1336.png

426-handle v1334.png

426-handle v133tt.png
Middle of winter here at the moment so i have not got out into the shed much, which has given me more time to design.
Knocked off the timer case and self timer, Mini light and remote release. Also corrected a few misalignments on the kango.
There are still a quite a few small details to be added in, these are just a few quick renders to see the progress. Have the basic shape and dimensions of the hama worked out and slowly adding detail.

Kango-426 v426.png

Kango-426 v426eee.png

Kango-426 v426sss.png