Well, looking at the sizes of the Tornado and Huey Cobra tails, I would say the Tornado is probably 72nd scale and the Cobra possibly 32nd.
Revells 32 Huey Cobra has been around for donkeys years (from the 60's IIRC) so I would say thats a good candidate.
Airfix, Esci and Monogram all had Tornados out at this time in 72nd. Matchbox also released a kit of the Tornado F.3 model, but can't be sure of when it was released (I'm pretty sure it would have been around the right timeframe though).
For a Chinook, well could possibly also be a Matchbox kit. They released one around this sorta time (again in 72nd scale).
Only other one I can remember at the moment would be the (really) old Aurora 48ish scale kit ( I would think it unlikely to be this one though).
Shame we haven't got some better pics to go by.