Aliens 1986 Prop Identification

King of Pirates

Active Member
Hello fello RPF'ers, I was Marathoning Alien yesterday and came across this. I'm unsure as to wether or not it is a prop or an exsisting piece of Equipment of some sort. (Maybe an older Laptop of some kind?)

Any help i can recieve on this is well appreciated.

(This was the computer/device Hicks used to activate the Remote Sentry Guns at 1:29:50 into the movie.)



Good luck! :)

If you find one, stop by the Aliens Legacy and let us know.
BTW, if you get a WORKING one, there are programs out there for emulating the display seen in the movie.
Actually, the one in the pictures is the Grid Compass (maybe the Compass II). It use bubble memory and lacked nifty things like a floppy drive or hard drive. The Grid/Gridcase 1520 was a 286sx processor, and came out several years after the film.

But as a "close enough" for a prop replica, the 15XX series works fine.
