Alien Nostromo interior models

Cheers Mr Artoo :) There is a small image of the three-level Cobb passageway sketch in the one book I have, which shows what would be A Deck the shape that was built as C Deck. I'll see if it's big enough to scan.
Here's a few pics of work in progress to modify the small storage room opposite the large 'garage' chamber. When I originally built this room back in the early 80s, I only had a few clips from the movie to go on, so most of it was guesswork. Now many photogtaphs of the movie are available online, I decided to see if I could modify the room to make it more accurate. I removed the one wall entirely and rebuilt it, I hope, closer to how it was constructed for the movie. When it's finished, I'll post pics frm the movie I found on the net for comparison, but these are a few I took during the alterations.

Test pic 32a July 2014.JPG Test pic 32b July 2014.JPG Test pic 32c Aug 2014.JPG Test pic 32e Aug 2014.JPG

The silver canisters are to represent the airtanks in the scene where Lambert & Parker are killed, any guesses as to what they really are?
I also made a new bulkhead section which I'd never previously bothered to build. Again I'll show it where it appears in the movie once it's finished (unless anyone wants to have a guess), but here's some pics during the build.

Test pic 33a July 2014.JPG Test pic 33c July 2014.JPG Test pic 33d Aug 2014.JPG
Are you using a hot glue gun to affix your cardboard on the base floor?...Be careful not to overdo it. If you want to affix those walls to that base, just a long bead of hot glue behind the cardboard will do (neater in the end); or just contact cement is even cleaner, but takes more time to apply (the two surfaces have to be dry before gluing together).
The type of cardboard you're using could use a clear coat of mat varnish so that your paint, and ultimately your surface, looks even and smooth.
Keep up the good work:)
Hiya Mr J. I'm just using what we call 'Uhu' glue, which is intended for paper and cardboard. It's similar to what used to be called Bostick, a sort of all-purpose glue. Once it dries it leaves a good solid bond, and any bits of glue that show up on the interior of the room I carve off with a scalpel (apart from round piping which is too delicate). Unfortunately the nearest paint I can now get to the original Humbrol 67 grey (which is now much darker than it used to be hence why I can no longer use it) is one intended for model railway locomotives, and unfortunately is is a satin finish. I'm hoping with the low-lighting levels I will again use this difference will be hidden somewhat.
A few more pics of work on the maintenance workshop.

Test pic 37 July 2014.JPG Test pic 38 July 2014.JPG Test pic 39 Sept 2014.JPG Test pic 40 Sept 2014.JPG Test pic 41 Sept 2014.JPG Test pic 42 Sept 2014.JPG
The red wall grilles are 'OO' guage railway fencing turned on end. Two more sections of that to do then it's the ceilings to make.
Cheers Mike. I was at Dad's one day having a smoke in his garage where he has his model train layout, and noticed a section of his fencing had come adrift. Picking it up with the intention of gluing it back on for him, I suddenly had a brainwave that if I bought some of that fencing and painted it dark red, it should look a better representation stood on end of the wall grilles than my original slotted cardboard ones. I think it does & I'm glad you do too :)
Well bugger me if I haven't also been invited to show my models at the Aliens Legacy show over Halowe'en at the National Space Centre in Leicester!
Awesome! Congratulations! Now, since this is on Halloween, you're going to have to dress up as one of the Nostromo crew...
Making final preparations to the last (new) section of model for the Aliens Legacy Halowe'en exhibition at the National Space Centre in Leicester this weekend. The event runs from 4pm to 10pm Friday & Saturday, so if anyone fancies visiting, feel free to come say hi:)

Test pic 46 Oct 2014.JPG
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