A-Wing Scales and Floquil Paints


Sr Member
I heard a long time ago that ILM used a 1:32 F-14 kit for the A-Wing. Does anyone know this for sure? I am assuming that a Tomcat of such size would make a 1:24 A-Wing, but I have 2 1:48 kits that I just bought. I just want to figure out what scale this would be so I can get the right size pilot. Anyone have any info? I'm not concerned with getting it exact. This is just a fun project for me.

Also, I just found out that the hobby store I frequent carries Floquil paint. I NEVER saw them there before. Since I never planned on using them - didn't know if I could get a hold of them - I've never paid attention to what colors were used for various studio models. Does anyone have any info on this as well? I'm looking for the typical stuff - the grays and whites of the Y and X wings, the red and yellow stripings thereof, etc... Let me know what you got.


P.S. Someone else who does studio models also frequents the hobby store I do. It is HobbyTown in Ormond Beach, FL on Granada. The guys who work there said they would forward my number to him, but I have heard nothing. Mystery builder, if you are out there send me a message!
The only solid answer I have to your various questions is that the red markings on the X's was reportedly Floquil Caboose Red. I used it on mine, and though some will say formulas change over the years, it seems just right.

You mentioned the whites of the X's. As most here would attest, I would venture that the most common consensus is that ILM predominatly used the "white on black primer, rubbed down" approach. But IIRC it remains in quesiton if ALL the X's were done this way, and the exact white I don't believe was idnetified (though I could be wrong).

I used a pure white base on mine. It took a TON of weathering to get it looking correct. And though I currently display it under white flourescent lighting, it still looks too white to me. I wish I'd gone with an off white.

Myself and a couple other builders here have agreed that in most images, Reds 5 and 1 appear to have a more white base coat, and Reds 2 and 3 seem to have a more off-white, almost light beige base.

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The A wing, while modelled on the F14, isnt built from any kit at all as far as i know.
A 1/32 Tomcat is way too small for a studio scale prop, if you take a look at the work of Michael Provenzano and another forum, youll see just how big this bird is in SS Flintlock...shes a monster lol.
Many kits are still used upon her hull, such as the Gepard, Morser Karl and Ferrari 312T, but the main hull, engines and wings are all hard toil, just ask my bro Michael lol.
As for Floquils, most the Reefers are a good bet, whites, yellows, oranges etc, and yes Caboose red for the X wing markings, there awesome paints, but potent....mask up buddy :)

As Lee said the real miniature is far bigger than any F-14 kit. I think there is the possibility a prototype A-wing was made from some F-14 kits and everything was just scaled up for the shooting minature. Floquils are great I've used them on all my Star Wars kits.
Thanks, fellas. Does anyone have the dimensions of the Studio A Wing then so I can calculate? I did some work with a 1:72 Tomcat to see how it would work out, and that looked to be - at best guess - around a 1:48 scale. That would make using the 1:48 Tomcats come out to be a 1:32 or 1:35 or so A Wing. Right?

I saw caboose red there but the little sample plate looked too dark. Guess you can't trust those things.

Ok - let me ask something specific about the paint. What did they use for "TIE Fighter blue"? This looks a bit like the same color that's on the X and Y Wing canopies. Anyone have any clues?
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Ok - let me ask something specific about the paint. What did they use for "TIE Fighter blue"? This looks a bit like the same color that's on the X and Y Wing canopies. Anyone have any clues?

I'm nearly positive Cap'n Cardboard advised that the TIE blue was a spray color that is no longer being produced.

Is Scott still out there...?
Thanks for all the info! Yeah when you mentioned the spray color that is OOP, I remember him saying that. I'll pick some Rustoleum up at Wal-Mart - I just wish they had Krylon black primer - All they have is gray, white, and ruddy brown.
Hey let me ask another question - has anyone used Polly Scale? If so, how did you like it?

I don't want to get this too far off topic and make it just about paints, but I'd like to know how it compares to the Floquil enamels.
I picked up some paints:

Caboose Red
Conrail Blue
Reefer Yellow
Reefer White
Antique White
Engine Black

I'll try the Antique white and see how it looks. I still can't find any black primer... But I have a little while before I will start painting.
I picked up some paints:

Caboose Red
Conrail Blue
Reefer Yellow
Reefer White
Antique White
Engine Black

I'll try the Antique white and see how it looks. I still can't find any black primer... But I have a little while before I will start painting.
Don't forget to get weathered black, grimmy black, dirt, etc.
Have you been to an autoparts store like Pep Boys? I get my black primer from them.
Antique White is pretty cool as it goes, good weathering base for some models.
The reefer Red and Yellow will serve on your X and Y wing for sure and there great paints to shoot!
I have boxcar red down as a close call for your A wing, so maybe take a look at that too.

Don't forget to get weathered black, grimmy black, dirt, etc.
Have you been to an autoparts store like Pep Boys? I get my black primer from them.

Thanks Boba

I'll pick some more up a little later. There's a Pep Boys right down the road from where I work. I can stop there. I'd have to stop by Lowes for the Rust-Oleum because the two Wal-Marts I went to didn't have that either. I was thinking about just getting the Rust-Oleum black primer but I'll see what Pep Boys has first.

I also returned your e-mail...

Antique White is pretty cool as it goes, good weathering base for some models.
The reefer Red and Yellow will serve on your X and Y wing for sure and there great paints to shoot!
I have boxcar red down as a close call for your A wing, so maybe take a look at that too.


Thanks Lee

You know, I goofed before when I said the Caboose red looked too dark. What I was actually looking at was the Boxcar red... so, maybe that will work out just nicely. I'll be using the blue as well on the X's and Y's I'll be making. The A Wing too.

I'll post what I do on my website - http://www.eulercircles.com.

Thanks again guys!