A quick tutorial on making eyes

I don't know if this helps but I saved this like 6 years ago, maybe someone can find use of it.

Cast in clear resin, are these eyes safe for baking? I do most of my sculptures with polymer clay, so I have to cure them in the oven.
Cast in clear resin, are these eyes safe for baking? I do most of my sculptures with polymer clay, so I have to cure them in the oven.

Oooh I'm afraid I dunno but sometimes ( when you get the mix wrong:$) the exothermic heat goes a bit high.

I'll dig out the data sheet when I get home and have a look
Brilliant post, they look awfy guid. Definitely something I will try. Can you recommend the best place to get the resin? I too live in the UK and it is hard to find some of the products recommended on here.
Brilliant post, they look awfy guid. Definitely something I will try. Can you recommend the best place to get the resin? I too live in the UK and it is hard to find some of the products recommended on here.

Howdy Fellow Scot.
I get most of my gear from allscot in Glasgow - Dixon blazes estate. They've got a website too, but I just go down to the trade desk.
The 2 trade desk guys there will give you all the help you need - tell them Joe the safety guy sent you lol :D

They have all sorts down there and they sell at trade prices - not hobbyshop prices. Problem is you end up buying stuff, just because its there and its cool - not because you need it :D

Hope this helps
Ok, thanks for the addl. info I will give it a shot and see what happens.

sorry Rob, not being difficult but i dont know how to attach a psd.

anyway, its more fun creating your own.

i searched google images for "iris" and " eye colour" then sorted for large images.
once you get a selection, download them and take them into PS.

draw a circular selection around the iris area and copy/ paste or create new layer etc in the normal way. do this a few times for different colous etc.
you get hundreds on an A4 sheet.

Or for instance if your doing a Yoda sculpture, search for "yoda eyes" it usually turns up trumps.

just make sure you get a punch of around 12 mm for lifesize sculptures. ive tried a few sizes by hand cutting with scissors but it doesnt work. its better with a punch.

you could also get different sized circular punches for different scales of models.

why not get weird shaped punches for alien eyes lol - the list is endless :D
Ok, thanks for the addl. info I will give it a shot and see what happens.

Hi Rob

Just noticed I can attach a PSD directly on here with no fuss.

Ive attached a wee PSD file to give you a start.
THe iris in the pic is the same one used in the tutorial.

Its 13mm diameter so gives a bit of wiggle room for your punch.

THe pupils are set differently just for effect.

IF you take these into PS, it'll help get you started.

Your method is a great idea. Do you have a pic of a piece that has your eyes installed? I'm curious to see how they look installed in something.

Your method is a great idea. Do you have a pic of a piece that has your eyes installed? I'm curious to see how they look installed in something.


Hi MTPalin
See the attached pics .
This is an long running and ongoing labour of love for my wife. She loves all things Disney and I'm attempting to sculpt, then cast, a bust of the Man himself. Its based on the bust sited at the Magic Kindom in Florida.

Please remember this is only my second EVER sculpt and is WIP
Its made from Newplast ( plasticene) but I'm thinking I would have been better using clay.

The eyes in the bust are a very early prototype set and they are only about 5mm thick. The deeper ones work better - so they can be improved. But it shows a pair in there.
Thank you very much for the pics! They look great in your sculpt.

Thanks - The iPhone seems to alter the proportions a bit lol, but there is scope for improvement.
This scupt will be a long running afair that I will go back to time and again as my own skills develop.
Im working on small stuff as well, just to focus on my development - but I'll plod away at it.
Thanks for the info, looks like I may be spending some money now!
Might have to pop over when I am up in Edinburgh next visiting the relatives!
Excellent! Thanks for the file, I'm pretty versed in PS so i dont think I'll have any problems, but if by chance I do need assistance I'll let you know.
Thanks again

Hi Rob

Just noticed I can attach a PSD directly on here with no fuss.

Ive attached a wee PSD file to give you a start.
THe iris in the pic is the same one used in the tutorial.

Its 13mm diameter so gives a bit of wiggle room for your punch.

THe pupils are set differently just for effect.

IF you take these into PS, it'll help get you started.

Just checked out their website........great products and prices. There go all my wages!! haha

Where abouts are you - Borders?

I'm in west Central, but travel all over Scotland so its easier for me, but they do have masses of stuff in stock, and they're a friendly bunch.
For those guys using silicon moulds with water clear resin - you may get some residual stickiness when you take the final casts out. This will spoil the finish and may need to be polished on a buff. = pain in the b*m:behave

Ive been trying all sorts of weird and wonderful methods to fix this and I found a tip buried away in a book. :

Before your pour the resin, preheat your silicon mould to around 130 degrees. This seems to work for me with Platinum cure silicon. Ive yet to try it on the cheaper tin based silicon.

I place my mould in the oven for about 15 minutes at 130deg , then take it out and immediately pour the mixed resin straight in. The stuff hardens in a few minutes too.

Just in case youve got problems - jus' sayin' :cool
I've just picked up the white mold you use for 99p from the works, need something to make the resin white now. :)
Philly, I use white resin colouring from Allscott plastics.
a tin of the stuff costs about £7-8 but it will do me until forever.
to colour enough resin for a pair of eyes takes about quater of a pinky nail.

Ive been into moulding and casting for a while now so have bought colours as I need them.
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