5th ELEMENT Police Blaster: REDUX!


Sr Member
Normally, once I complete a replica I can move on to other projects without *too* much regret over what hindsight will ultimately reveal to be (hopefully) only minor errors in accuracy. But once in a while you hit the mother load of reference that proves just how completely wrong you got it the first time.

Case in point, the Police blaster replica from the 5th ELEMENT.

First, the comparison between the new version (in color.) and the original master...



I may have only had screen grabs to work from, but I really wasn't even in the ballpark. The first one is about 14 inches in length, while the new one is over 17 inches.

Here are both sides with accurate engraved type and serial numbers.....


It also really helped to have an original shoulder armor piece from the actual film to help nail the width.


And here's one with the magazine that was not on the foam stunt versions which were actually worn on the shoulder. Instead, a magnet was inserted into the port with it's opposite attached to the underside of the shoulder armor to hold it in place...


I guess if at first you don't succeed...
Absolutely stunning work Shawn, but I would expect no less from the likes of you.
Brilliant, and the corrections really do make a huge difference.
Now you can finally put this one to bed.
Very nice. Having seen a screen used Police costume in person, the cop guns sold before were WAY too small. This looks like it could very well be right on.
Now THAT's a blaster...who would have thought you could improve so much on the first version. Very nice job, Morganthirteen.

Hi Shawn

Great to see you on earths surface again :cheers

That´s a great representation of the prop and a major "improvement"...LOVE IT (but hey...I love ALL your stuff :lol)

Markus :)
Wow, i have one of your older kits and thought that one already totally rocked. The new version looks very, very good. I'll keep an eye on the junkyard ;)


We need an emoticon for crapping yourself. Cause I am. :cry

I have pined away for one of these replicas for a long, long time.

Sadly, I have none of your work in my collection Shawn :(

I'm always amazed at your willingness to perfect a project many of us thought was already well done.
Your ability to revisit an old project and push the envelope to what very well may be "better than studio" quality is inspiring.
Thanks for sharing the pic's.
That is a beautiful piece.
I never had the funds for the first itteration, but this time around, I'm in.