44" Eagle head

Chris' CMs are fantastic - I have a 22."
I don't think he has finished mastering the 44" at the moment.
Dakota_in_the_sky produced a fantastic 44" CM some time ago - you might try him?


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I've still got the mold somewhere of a 44" command module...had it since the early 90's, I'm pretty sure it was a Chris Trice. I think my old model business partner molded it. I'm not sure what year Jim Small started making his 44" eagle, but she's a pretty one.

I've still got the mold somewhere of a 44" command module...had it since the early 90's, I'm pretty sure it was a Chris Trice. I think my old model business partner molded it. I'm not sure what year Jim Small started making his 44" eagle, but she's a pretty one.


hey WIll..where is the FLYING SUB??

Its been...3 years?
Since I still supply the CM and and Jim does a resin version with my blessing, I'd feel a bit miffed if it were being recast. Mods please take note.
My comment isn't aimed at you Kev, so much as this comment by Firefox...

I've still got the mold somewhere of a 44" command module...had it since the early 90's, I'm pretty sure it was a Chris Trice. I think my old model business partner molded it.

(Emphasis added by me)

The only ones that should exist are the fibreglass ones made by me and the resin ones made by Jim. No one else was involved so talks of moulds floating around always raises eyevbrows. If Firefox wants to say who his partner was, I can tell you the exact state of play. Meanwhile, I hope your CM goes well and look forward to seeing it.