2001 Orion space clipper from 2001: A Space Odyssey

Scott Graham

Sr Member
Hi all,

Here is a PH Solutions 24" long Orion space clipper from 2001. The holes in the leading edge wings should be ellipses and the front intake should be a little lower profile, but other than that it seems to be a great kit. I added radiating ribs inside of the engine exhausts. Added windows of clear styrene so they'd reflect light too. Other than that it's out of the box.

Any comments are welcome. The pics could use an upgrade with a better background at least. Let me know what you think.
A nicely done rendition of one of the prettiest Sci-Fi movie ships ever.

I like the climbing angle for the display base.

Now, you just need to build a "to-scale" space station to go with it.

Those are the best pictures I've ever seen of the Pan Am Clipper. Nice job! Who is P H Solutions? And do they have a website advertising their wares?
I've really got to update the pics to a better quality...thanks for the compliment!

PH Solutions was the maker 5 or so years ago. This is the only thing that the guy produced I think. He also had an Aires under construction but I don't know what happened to it. I first saw it reviewed in the french mag 'dixieme planete' special on 2001 models.

I think I got this at Federation Models on the net. I haven't seen it offered for the last 5 or so either.

Anyone know how I can change the name of the thread? I'd like to get rid of the double 2001s.
I've really got to update the pics to a better quality...thanks for the compliment!

PH Solutions was the maker 5 or so years ago. This is the only thing that the guy produced I think. He also had an Aires under construction but I don't know what happened to it. I first saw it reviewed in the french mag 'dixieme planete' special on 2001 models.

I think I got this at Federation Models on the net. I haven't seen it offered for the last 5 or so either.

Anyone know how I can change the name of the thread? I'd like to get rid of the double 2001s.

Hi Scott,

My name is Philip Howard and I put out the Orion kit back in 2001.

Your posting the photographs is a really strange coincidence as I'm presently in the middle of correcting the wing intakes, prior to making new moulds and reissuing the kit!

The round wing intakes were a silly mistake to make and should have been corrected a long time ago!

Thanks for your kind comments about the model.
Your model is really well built and the finish is great - did you have any problems?
Neat idea about adding the styrene in the windows to gain a reflection.
Love the first photograph with the model set against the background.:cool

The other model you mentioned - the Airies 1B is sadly still not finished.
Presently it sits in my workshop, in a long queue of other partially finished projects - maybe one day.

I'm presently busy producing resin castings of another of my models, a 1:12 scale model of the moon buggy from the TV series Space 1999.

Once all the orders for this initial run are fullfilled the Orion will be next.



*When I get home I will post a few photographs of the part finished Airies.
Hi Phil,

Thanks for the compliments!

Wow, good to hear from the maker himself! It's one of my favorite models and went together very easily - thanks for asking. It was very cleanly cast. At 24" or so it makes a great size for it.

I didn't realize it had been 2001 or so that I got the kit. Time flies...

I hope you don't mind me making a few suggestions.

I'd suggest tapering the wings. They seem to be that way on the original model.

And maybe putting the ribs in the engine exhausts. They seem to be there in some of the more obscure photos I've seen.

And what would be super awesome is if the windows can be opened up to be lit from within. I'd thought about doing it, but wasn't too sure about my dremeling skills. Wouldn't want to break through the skin.

It's a great kit as is though. It's probably the most beautiful and elegant spacecraft ever. Love the design of it.


Hi Scott,

My name is Philip Howard and I put out the Orion kit back in 2001.

Your posting the photographs is a really strange coincidence as I'm presently in the middle of correcting the wing intakes, prior to making new moulds and reissuing the kit!

The round wing intakes were a silly mistake to make and should have been corrected a long time ago!

Thanks for your kind comments about the model.
Your model is really well built and the finish is great - did you have any problems?
Neat idea about adding the styrene in the windows to gain a reflection.
Love the first photograph with the model set against the background.:cool

The other model you mentioned - the Airies 1B is sadly still not finished.
Presently it sits in my workshop, in a long queue of other partially finished projects - maybe one day.

I'm presently busy producing resin castings of another of my models, a 1:12 scale model of the moon buggy from the TV series Space 1999.

Once all the orders for this initial run are fullfilled the Orion will be next.



*When I get home I will post a few photographs of the part finished Airies.
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