1st pics of the new rubies Supreme Stormtrooper

Maybe it will look better on a real person... or not. :lol

I'd only expect to pay $250 for something like that, definitely not $850. :thumbsdown
Yeah but that far off on the proto pics? There helmets aren't like that.

I think the mannequin actually has a lot to do with the look. Also, i have a feeling that with the armor being flexible, it can be shaped a bit better.

I am sure that the people setting it up, wouldn't put as much care into it as we would.

And Lucas wonders why us fans sculpt our own suits and buckets??? GET A CLUE GEORGIE BOY!!!!
I agree it's poorly displayed but the fact is that with a little work some rubies stuff can be corrected and converted well..................However, (best Alan Rickman voice) IF this is made of as soft plastic as the helmets rubies do, and from the looks of the warping this particular piece is, then it can be reshaped and fiberglassed.

But maybe this is just a test pull, using Rubies stock plastics from the ST helmet they do and thats why it's bendy. Personally I'm hoping it's some sort of edible white liquorice but that would be cool, not something Rubies manage too often.

All in the sculpt looks good shape and detail wise, but for those $$$ I would expect a finished product needing no alterations to look good.

Maybe I should mail this to rubies -

su·preme1 Pronunciation[suh-preem, soo-] P
1. highest in rank or authority; paramount; sovereign; chief.
2. of the highest quality, degree, character, importance, etc.: supreme courage.

Right now this suit would be classed Surplus : Grade D. :)
With a name like Rubies, it has to be good. (y)thumbsup:thumbsup

Oh God, that hurt my soul to lie in such a manner. :cry
That trooper looks melty!
Damn was hoping for some new pics these were posted in the thread in the costume forum ages ago just after the suit was announced, either way it's Rubies so i don't know why anyone expects anything of any quality.
Lets hope it spurs someone into doing decent fanmade ROTJ armour :)
I'm not impressed, but I'll reserve judgement until I see a human being wearing it.
I'm sure it's one of the armors salvaged after the destruction of the second Death Star or at least from a Stormie attacked by ewoks... :confused
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