1966 Batman costume patterns

A sneak peek at the swatches for the Caped Crime Fighter...
I'm making them approx. 2" square so you get a real idea of the fabric rather than simply an impression.

Only 100 of these.

Hey Bruce,

We are in digitizing hell with the company transferring the patterns.:angry

Apparently, computer generating clothing pattern programs and the people that run the companies don't like the quirkiness of old school asymmetrical parts!
For example, the painted eyebrows of the cowl art aren't even and the program or company doesn't understand why I don't want it to just "mirror" them.

We're waiting for the company to educate themselves with aspects of their business they seem unwilling to want to learn.

As soon as it's sorted out the printing will only take a couple of weeks but these yahoos are taking their sweet time.

We'll get it worked out eventually but it has been a pain in the arse!

Thanks Chuck,

I'm eagerly waiting for these. My mother is an experienced dressmaker, so I've got her on standby for these :cool

Hopefully I'd be inline for one of the 100 Limited Edition sets.

Just let me know


Hi All,

My wife is a former Hollywood costumer and trained patternmaker.

Hi there Chuck

this reply is a little late as i've just joined the RPF yesterday- it would be great to talk 'shop' with your good lady wife, as i've been a tailor & cutter in the picture industry for 16 years here in London, UK.
I also worked for a very well respected costume company in Hollywood- JDR inc (i don't want to list the full name on here- they made all the Spiderman suits for all 3 movies amongst many others)
I always love to meet any new cutters or costume people no matter where they are!

Best wishes

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