1966 Batman costume patterns


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Just wanted to show a peek at what we're up to.

We are just a few weeks away from publishing a set of patterns created after an extensive examination of a pair of original costumes for the classic 1966 TV show Batman.

Attached is the first look at the digitized patterns pieces.

My wife is a former Hollywood costumer and trained patternmaker.
Every major costume piece has been faithfully presented including the Utility Belts and cowl paint, right down to the snap placement on the capes.

They are being printed on tissue just like commercially available fashion patterns.

Also included are Pantone color callouts of the costumes and parts.

We are also presenting a very limited edition set of each with fabric swatches of the most rare and no longer available fabrics.

So, Atomic Batteries to Power, Turbines To Speed.
Get ready for retro crime fighting at it's best!

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Yes indeed!

There will be 900 sets of the patterns and callouts and 100 sets with the fabric swatches.

Once they are gone, that's it.

Perhaps I misread but I thought you said you had the patterns in a digital format. Wouldn't that mean these could be sold/distributed endlessly?

They are being printed on tissue like patterns you would find at the fabric store.
The digitizing is merely a step in the printing process.

The set with the fabric swatches are the Limited Edition but I doubt we will be printing more than the original 900 run either..


We only examined Batman and Robin costumes.

The Batgirl and Catwoman suits are owed by another collector.

This is really awesome. I am watching the show right now. I have always loved this series. It would be great to get one of the limited edition sets. I will keep an eye out for them. Will you post here when they are ready?
Hi ,

I keep forgetting that prices can be mentioned here!

I am in the process of putting up a web page to order from with a PayPal cart.
As soon as that is up , I'll link to it.

The patterns with Pantone color numbers are $150 plus shipping for the set of both Batman and Robin. Or you can buy them individually for $75 each plus shipping.

For the Limited Edition Set of 100 with color numbers and fabric swatches the cost is $300 plus shipping for the set of both (Batman and Robin) costumes.

The swatches include the ;
1-cowl/glove/trunks fabric swatch (all the same fabric),
2- the tights fabric swatch
3- painted leather Utility Belt swatch for the Batsuit
1- Robin vest swatch
2- Robin cape swatch
3- Robin trunks swatch

Most of these fabrics have been custom dyed to match samples of the original costumes or in the case of the Robin vest, what we believe to be the remains of the bolt of the fabric used on the original vest, purchased from one of the shows fabric suppliers.

Other fabrics like for the Bat cowl and Robin trunks are no longer manufactured, so they are extremely rare.

The patterns are detailed down to snap placement on the capes to very detailed measurements of both Utility Belts.

Thanks for your interest in our work and I'll keep everyone posted.

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Hi ,

I keep forgetting that prices can be mentioned here!

I am in the process of putting up a web page to order from with a PayPal cart.
As soon as that is up , I'll link to it.

The patterns with Pantone color numbers are $100 plus shipping for the set of both Batman and Robin. Or you can buy them individually for $50 each plus shipping.

For the Limited Edition Set of 100 with color numbers and fabric swatches the cost is $300 plus shipping for the set of both (Batman and Robin) costumes.

The swatches include the ;
1-cowl/glove/trunks fabric swatch (all the same fabric),
2- the tights fabric swatch
3- painted leather Utility Belt swatch for the Batsuit
1- Robin vest swatch
2- Robin cape swatch
3- Robin trunks swatch

Most of these fabrics have been custom dyed to match samples of the original costumes or in the case of the Robin vest, what we believe to be the remains of the bolt of the fabric used on the original vest, purchased from one of the shows fabric suppliers.

Other fabrics like for the Bat cowl and Robin trunks are no longer manufactured, so they are extremely rare.

The patterns are detailed down to snap placement on the capes to very detailed measurements of both Utility Belts.

Thanks for your interest in our work and I'll keep everyone posted.


You know I'm IN.:) And it's a very affordable price too.