17.5" Super Star Destroyer


Active Member
Very nice looking kit! It's hard to see in the photos but is there and scribed lines?

I have the Kobarth 38" kit which I wish the casting quality was half as good as yours. your kit is smaller with as much detail.

Very nice looking kit! It's hard to see in the photos but is there and scribed lines?

I have the Kobarth 38" kit which I wish the casting quality was half as good as yours. your kit is smaller with as much detail.


Hey GF, any pictures of the Kobarth kit?
Hi GF.

Thank you for the compliments on the kit. I appreciate it.

There are no scribed lines on this kit. I had played around with scribing while doing the master but at this size/scale decided they would have looked waaaay too big.

I'm thinking maybe a great paint job followed by careful pencil panelling (ala ILM) might work.

Then again, at this size, it may not need panel lines.

Thanks again.
