1/6 scale weapon crafting


Active Member
Been wanting to start to customize the current, ONLY, figure I have, a Sideshow Cobra Trooper, and firstly, wanting to look into getting new weapons. While I'm contemplating Ebay for quick buys of specific things, I am wanting to start to just make my own. I've found alot of artists on deviant art, and during random google searches, of people who make their own.

Looking to make fairly accurate things like, M-16's, Uzi's, maybe something like a P-90, and all sorts of others.

If anyone has any good tips, advice, pointers, links to websites, I'd greatly appreciate them, from inexpensive methods, to very expensive, and anything in the middle. Though I might not use them all, learning never hurts.

Thanks in advance.
http://www.onesixthwarriors.com/ Has a lot of good tutorials for building weapons. Most of them are done with styrene.
If you want to go the pre-made, parted out from figure, route then these should be helpful.
Toy Anxiety
Monkey Depot - The Finest in Scale Military
Good Stuff To Go - Action Figures (note: this site is set up strangely and does not have a search function but has some good items if you're patient and willing to look around)
Urban Samurai Hobbies
Red Planet Toys Sells Loose Gear Here!
Thanks d_jedi1, those links are helpful, though I can't really find good tutorials so far on onesixthwarriors, and I've been surfing there for a few hours.

Any specific links about?
Frogman, I'm a member at the OSW. Just post a "need help thread" . The guys are most helpful. Pm me if you want more info. I'm pretty hardcore into 1/6
Made a quick post there, not sure what your name is there, but I'm already excited to start this 'tiny' project.

OH I made a funny.
Hello guys,
A few months agos, I started collecting 12 inches figures from Hot Toys, Sideshow, etc...and I am also doing some kitbashing.

My main project is to create a 12 inches articulated figure of Rico from Starship Troopers and I don't have anything, so I need advices ! I have a Morita gun from a Galoob action figures which is about half the size I need for a 12 inches. So I thought about having a friend of mine from Czech Republic scanning it in 3D and then printing in at the right size. But then there would be no moving parts on my gun....., so is that a good idea ? Please let me know what you think, I don't really know how to start. I also need the helmet from the movie. Thanks to all of you who can help. (also I just introduced myself if you want to see some pics of my collection)
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