1 / 24 Hero X-WING: Inner engines configuration HELP!


Sr Member
Hi folks.

I'm currently working on my project to build an 1/24 scale Hero X-Wing from scratch.

I've drawn all the necessary blueprints basing on reference photos and, to be sure everything fits perfectly, first I'm building it using a 3D application (Google SketchUp). Everything is fine, but now I encounter a problem in deciding the configuration of inner engines. I've seen different parts and different possibilities, but I don't know what the correct settings for a Hero.

My best source of referrals are the excellent photographs published on the modelermagic website (Red 3 X-Wing Studio Model), and based on them, the bird red-3 has the configuration shown in the attached images . I don't like this configuration because the lower left wing engine is different from the other three, with the Sealab grill or tubes. :cry

My first question is: Is this the correct configuration for an Hero X-Wing? :confused

I haven't yet decided which of the X-Wing I'll build, but I would like to know what is the most common or best inner engines configuration in these models.

My second question is: What other parts of the Sealab have to be into the boxes of the engines? :confused

The Sealab pieces that I colored in red are seen in several reference images, but I'm not sure if they are correct or if they must be in the four engines.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. :love Many thanks.




It's up to you to chose what is the best looking configuration if you're not going to be accurate !

Blue Leader/Red 2 has four identical left over F-4J engine parts (like the lower left one on Red 3)

I'm not sure but Red 5 seems to have 4 engine halves castings.

I dont know for Red Leader, I dont have pics of it...
It's up to you to chose what is the best looking configuration if you're not going to be accurate !

Blue Leader/Red 2 has four identical left over F-4J engine parts (like the lower left one on Red 3)

I'm not sure but Red 5 seems to have 4 engine halves castings.

I dont know for Red Leader, I dont have pics of it...

Hi Julien, many thanks for your reply.

If there isn't a standard setup, I think it makes sense that the four inner engines must be equally between them, but not identical to the rear engines.

My favorite option is to make the four inner engines equal to that of the Red-3 lower left wing. The only problem is that this piece is shorter than those used in the rear engine, leaving a hollow large and very ugly between its ends and walls of the box.

Any other solution?

No other option, unless you fill the gap some way. Red 5 uses the same parts as for the rear engines. Red 1 appears to have the Red 3 left-lower wing type... on its port lower wing anyway.
Finally I decided to do the four inner engines equal to the Red-3 lower left wing.

I've also decided that I 'll avoid that unsightly gap that remains between the ends of the engines and the walls, using a longer section of the same original piece of Revell Phantom F4J kit (see picture).

I know this doesn't match what they did IL & M modelers (and I hate it :cry), but I think my model will look better.

Many thanks Julien and Colin for your help and suggestions.:love

Thanks for posting your findings. I hadn't noticed the differences in these parts previously. It's interesting to see how if you copy the actual studio models, in most cases, your model will look like it has mismatched parts. Sometimes it seems better to correct these mismatches rather than make an accurate model.

I'm still going back and forth on whether my x-wings (that I swear I'll build at least one of this year!) will have cockpits as I like them, realistic, versus how the studio models look, painted black and not like the full-size cockpits. There's always some compromise to be made!

Your google sketch up images are very cool!
When I ordered my Red 5 from Mike I wasn't quite the geek I am today and had no idea the inner engines were the same as the ones on the back, and was a bit disappointed with that, as I was expecting to get the other type. But at the same time, I was impressed with Mike's attention to detail there. Anyway, I've since come to love the way they catch the light in some of the Red 5 ref pics, so I'm happy with them now - especially as I now have a set of the other type with Frank's pyro kit.
It's a tough battle to decide between accuracy and personal liking, but when precision means a finish that will not leave me completely satisfied, it hurts, but I feel that I have no choice but to ignore some of the original works :cry.

Your google sketch up images are very cool!

Hi Scott.

I'm glad you like my 3D images.
This is my very first attempt to build a 3D model and it's being a funny job. It's also resulting very useful for detecting some mistakes in my two-dimensional blueprints.
When I'll start building the physical model :love, I'll be able to capture any necessary measurement of my 3D model, and this way get to work with great precision.

All the best from Spain :)
