1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build. Now Painting V2


Sr Member
Well, I've had some downtime on pulling the B-wing kits due to either needing molds or resin, so I started getting parts ready for my own builds during that downtime. I plan on slowly getting more parts ready for my build and building this slowly while I am waiting for resin to set.

No worries to the guys that are waiting for kits. The parts that I am working on for myself are either from parts that are finished being pulled for this kit, or seconds that I would rather throw in the trash than send to you guys.

First up was the little guns (I think that they are guns) that go on the wings. The resin parts are fine, but with this kit being so big I figured that I would try my hand at scratch building them out of metal and styrene (I have never scratched before). Here's what I came up with:

They are pretty much the proper size. I will cut them to the proper length sometime this week.


I like that they have the holes in the front. To me, it makes it look more "real". I could have just drilled holes in the resin parts, but I like this better.


The styrene that I picked up was just about the same size (I eyeballed it), but I like how the lower part turned out. Instead of getting a smaller size for the middle strip, I'm going to keep it this way.


Second up is the guns for the front of the cockpit. I do not have that mold, so I only had pictures from the build instructions and two "seconds parts" to go off off. Since I liked how the small guns came out, I figured that I would try my hand at these as well.

The pictures of this part in the build instructions and the "second parts" that I have were a bit different on a few of the tips, so I went with the instructions pic to make the tips that you see in brass. I have to attach it to the styrene strip still, so these parts are just laid out in front of the strip that I am going to attatch them to.

btw - I've sanded these metal parts so the paint and glue (when I attatch the styrene parts to it) have something to grab on to. That is why they look so dirty.


I plan on hitting the metal parts with some self etching primer before I attatch them to the styrene, then prime the parts again after everything is attatched.

Next is this part: As you can sort of see on the top of the pic, this part is a "second". The top of the part had some really big air holes (voids) that I am fixing, and the mold didn't line up properly along the top when the part was being pulled, but the sides were good, so I figures, what the hay.


The more I looked at this part, the more I wanted to make the details crisper so I grabbed my pin vise/pin push (whatever it's called) and went to town.








The reworked holes that I put in may be a bit too deep, but I figure when you add paint, they will look just fine.

So now I'm thinking about rescribing it too since I want it to look crisper, but I'm horrible at that so I'm going back and forth in my head about it. I will most likely end up doing it but I'm just putting it off. I think that I should fix the voids before I get too far into this part. I would hate to put in a bunch of work to find out that the part is unsavable.

Well, that all the pics that I have so that's all for now.

Like I said, a SLOW build.
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Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

Very nice! Good to see another buildup of this kit. And no worries about eyeballing on this one, so many details are off or simply made up (like the chin guns proportions/arrangement) on this kit so it really doesn´t matter. If you´re interested, you can find my equally slow build here:
You´ll find almost every part is reworked to increase accuracy. Let me know if you need reference pics for your build.
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

I can definately use some reference pics. I'm going to go through your thread tonight to see your mods to the parts. It will probably help me on my own build. :)

Very nice! Good to see another buildup of this kit. And no worries about eyeballing on this one, so many details are off or simply made up (like the chin guns proportions/arrangement) on this kit so it really doesn´t matter. If you´re interested, you can find my equally slow build here:
You´ll find almost every part is reworked to increase accuracy. Let me know if you need reference pics for your build.
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

The two best sites I found for reference on the B-Wing are



www.killbyte.da.ru .

You´ll have to search through those sites but it´s not difficult. Hope you can access the second site, I know some people have problems doing so. Hope it helps!

Damn. It looks like I'm going to either scratch a lot of stuff for this build, or mod a bunch of parts. Thank you to everybody that sent me reference.
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

Well, between studying, and pulling some parts for the kits, I didn't do much this weekend on this build. I got a few parts filled, sanded and primed. These parts all had holes in the back, which nobody would ever see, but I figure that I would fill them anyway. It didn't take very long. I needed the practice since I haven't put anything made of resin together for awhile. I've also never done a resin model before so I figure the more practice I get better.




I also scratched the big gun on the lower wing. I used the part from the kit to as a reference for the length, and all the reference that everybody sent me (thanks guys :cheers) for the details. Here it is next to the one that is going to be in the kit:

And here it is placed inside the part that is will be attatched to:

I'm pretty happy with the gun as I've never worked with styrene tubing before. I tried to keep it strong as possible, hence the brass, and also light at the same time, the styrene.

Well that's all I have for now.
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Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

For those waiting for a kit, I've updated that thread.
Now on to my latest small update.

Since I want to light this up, I've ordered LEDs and Fiber Optics that should be here this week, so I had to start making room for them.


There is a hollow brass tube running through this part. I figure that I can run the fiber optics through it.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do here. I do not like how the insides of these look so I'm either thinking of rotocasting these parts, or adding something to the inside to make it look better.


Then I scratched another one of the lower guns. I didn't think that the one that came with the kit was long enough when compared to the pics, so I made it longer and added a few more details to it.




Well, that's all I have for now.
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

That looks great! Cool gun.
Do the engines come hollow now or did you hollow them? I had to drill mine but didn´t have a drill big enough, now there´s an edge visible through the parts which attach to the bells. Maybe have to dremel the rest away...

BTW, you should cast every part you modify to include in the kit! I´m sure the guys who have yet to receive theirs would be most grateful.
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.


I hollowed the engines with a drill. It was a pain in the rear end to do. I did a test rotocast of this part that didn't turn out so well. I found that light tlikes to bleed through most of the part. I think that I am going to fin somdething reflective to shove in the engines.

I would love to cast every part that I modify, but it is not my project. I'm just a hired hand. :unsure

Also, I got the idea of sanding that back of the rim looking part of the engines from your thread. Thanks. :ninja
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Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

I would love to cast every part that I modify, but it is not my project. I'm just a hired hand. :unsure

Also, I got the idea of sanding that back of the rim looking part of the engines from your thread. Thanks. :ninja

No problem! :) Makes me happy when someone thinks my ideas are useful! :lol

Honestly, you should talk to Robert about replacing some of the parts with yours, if you haven´t already cast enough to fill all orders. That way not everyone would have to do all the tedious "repair" work we have to do... And stuff like hollow engines could also help to save resin and weight, this thing will weigh a ton when assembled!
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

Okay, I haven't updated this in two weeks, but I have gotten some work done. It's a bit frustrating since I don't have all the parts, but maybe it's a blessing at the same time since I can pay more attention to the parts that I do have.

One side of the main wing is rescribed and rivet holes are redone. A lot of the scribed lines did not exist on the part so I overcame the fear of my cruddy scribing skills and went to town. I also added a few pieces of styrene for detail. Now I just have to turn it over and do the other side and perhaps go to my local hobby store yet again for some styrene tubing.

I started on the last of the lower guns by cannibalizing a bad pull from a s-foil gun. I mixed it with some metal and I think I have a good start to this gun.

I also restarted on the small guns (maybe they are sensors) for the s-foils. Thanks to all the reference people linked me to, I figured that I needed to so these from scratch. I still need to add more details, but so far, they look good to me.

I think that I solved my "ugly insides" problem for the engines. Rotocasting. It's looks better to me and I was able to rotocast this mold while using it as a dump mold, so no resin lost. :)

Rear cone from the upper section of the ship. I used what I believe is the "Guy Cowen" method of scribing the three lines in it. :cheers

I finally finished the big lower gun that I started building.


Drilled some holes for wiring to go through.

I worked on the gun mounts for the s-foils. I wanted to keep the fronts to them proportionate to the rest of the mount, so I didn't shave too much off.

A few examples next to original pulls.


I also had my best buddy in the world and assistant here this weekend. He was the one that redid the rivet holes on the wing. He says hi.
I swear, that kid refuses to take a serious photo. Click this:
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

Wow that looks great! The main wing looks really good with the new panel lines. I can´t wait to shoot mine with primer so the new panel lines become visible. And I´m glad to see your panel lines look mostly identical to the ones I did, so I´m sure I interpreted the ref pics correctly. :) BTW, those 4 raised detail pieces in the center of the wing, am I correct that they should only be present on one side of the wing, and not on the side which is visible in your pic? They also seem to have more of a triangle shape than being rectangular.

The new guns look great, can´t wait to rebuild them as well.

And when using the "Guy Cowen - method", how do you control the depth of the lines? Do you fix the part to something which sits in place under the drill but can rotate or is it just eyeballing?

And..."super slow build"? You work faster than I do!:lol
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

I will check my reference pictures when I get home tonight about those details on the wing. That's a good question.

Ahh, the "Guy Cowen" method. :lol I control the depth of the lines by how hard I am pushing the part into the drill. The part itself just sits on the platform of the drillpress and I rotate it by hand.

Thank for your compliments. As soon as I get some cowls, I'm going to be using your thread as a guide on how to rework those. :) I'm going to be borrowing a bunch of your ideas from your thread.

I might be working fast than you are, but I have still not glued any parts together. :lol What type of glue are you going to use?
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

Looks awsome!Goes to show when going over a project with a fine tooth comb really pays off.
Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

As soon as I get some cowls, I'm going to be using your thread as a guide on how to rework those. :) I'm going to be borrowing a bunch of your ideas from your thread.

I might be working fast than you are, but I have still not glued any parts together. :lol What type of glue are you going to use?

I use both super glue and 2-component epoxy glue with 5min drying time. For example, when using a metal tube as armature (there´s at least 10 or 11 such metal tubes in my B-Wing), I put some epoxy glue into the hole where the tube would be inserted, then push in the tube which will dispense the glue all over the inside wall of the borehole and fix the metal tube to the part. The excess glue will go inside the metal tube. It´s also perfect when you´re using threaded rods as the thick glue will fill the threads, superglue might be too thin fluid for this.
The superglue is better for glueing small parts, like the cockpit parts, as the thick epoxy glue and will create visible lumps. The epoxy glue is perfect for areas which won´t be visible afterwards and for areas where there might be some space between two uneven surfaces.

The cowls you´re speaking about - do you mean the vents on the engine housings? I had some PE parts made for creating those vents, if someone can do PE parts for you I could provide the vector drawings I created. You still need to scratch the box beneath it, which should be quite easy.
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Re: 1/24 B-Wing. A super slow build.

Superglue lacks the strenght that even a 5 min epoxy has.too bacd you don't have a lathe.You could re-turn the engines or make new ones that would be better than the kit parts.