1/2 Size 11th Doctors Tardis


Well-Known Member
My fibreglass 1/2 scale 11th Doctors Tardis is nearing completion :love

big fan of the new doctor who series, beautful work there mate, love it!
all the best

Thanks. Sadly all my Who mates have stopped watching since Matt Smith took over the role, but I think he's great, in many ways I prefer him to David Tennant :rolleyes

Thanks :) I've still got the detail on most of the windows to finish, the flashing beacon on the top to work on, and hopefully contstruct a clear shelf and some lighting inside in order to display the interior Tardis playset so it can be seen when you open the Tardis door :love
This is great. you say its made out of Fibreglass. how are you building it?? is it Fibreglass sheeting, or are you using a pep style??
I just found this thread. Any progress? Would you mind sharing info or plans on the build?

I agree, Matt Smith is wonderful as the Doctor. My favorite incarnation. Your mates are missing out.
