1/1 Wolverine by Howard Studios PHOTOS


Master Member
Just finished this for a member.




That's MINE :D . Great job again Steve... Anyone who needs anything painted, Steve is the man. He's fast, price is reasonble, and workmanship is outstanding :thumbsup . Thanks again Steve....now ship it.. :lol . Bill
I really like the Superman Returns Brandon Routh Prototype Costume Belt in the background..

That's nice too.

Looking Great I'm next .... :p .....but I think Wolverines eyes in the film are dark Hazel not Brown :eek
I'm 98% sure. but if brown works for you thats awesome. once again it looks great :D :D :D :D

aljf :confused
Thanks guys. The eyes I added were what Billy sent me. Yep Al, you are next.. Just to let you know that yellow piping on the jacket was a PAIN to paint. So that will be another $ 100 Al... :) Just kiddin.
Hey bub.
That looks a whole lot better than a guy in yellow spandex. :lol
Great job on the paint. You constantly amaze me with your painting skills.
LookÂ’n Good Steve.

I see definite improvement with each of your paint-ups. B)


Nice work...
Steve it's a real treat to see you progress with each bust paint up you do.

Oh how I'd love to see how this bust looks inside one of my Wolverine Jackets......


Thanks David, Yeah I wish I could go back and repaint all my old busts I did now that I know a little more about flesh tones. Amazing what a little bit of yellow adds to the flesh color..