1:1 Landspeeder Project - Completed!

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Morning everyone...

Cerillo...Besides myself, the first ride will most likely be reserved for my 7 year old nephew. He is so jazzed about this thing that he's already asked if he can help me paint it. I figured he could help me make the "weathering" more realistic :D

Jeremy...Originally we were hoping to locate a "stock" piece that would work. However, it's now looking like the windshield is going to be a completely custom fabricated piece. Most likely either from a place that does aircraft windshields, or a place that manufactures skylights. I'm hoping to have more info on that within in the week.

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Quick Update...

I received the body about a week ago, and I have been working on cleaning up the edges and the seam that ran the length of it...

I also had to re-cut all the panel lines as they had been clayed in for molding purposes...

Anyhow...I should have it under primer in the next couple of days, and then I'll begin using liquid latex to mask off some of the more pronounced damage areas before painting the base coat.

Golf cart should be delivered sometime this week, and I'll get that stripped down to the frame...Then I will find out whether or not it will have to be modified to fit the body.

The only bummer at this point is that the accurate windshield is probably not going to be ready before the big event in June...So I'll probably have to find something that will work as a stand-in until that is done... :unsure

I should have some better pics to post by this weekend at the latest...

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Hey I just went to the Science Meets Imagination exhibit. If you need any additional pictures of the Landspeeder I've got a few good ones of the interior and exterior from the one displayed.
Re: New Landspeeder Project...

That would be great...

I'm going to be working on the interior later this week, so any additional reference would be most appreciated.

Just send them to my email...


Thanks, :)

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Y'know - I probably had the perfect windshield for you in my garage a year ago - My son won a 4 foot Spongebob at Target and it came in this huge blister that looked just the right size & shape for a speeder windshield. Kept it in the garage for a year trying to figure out something cool to do with it & finally tossed it -- Sorry mate!
Re: New Landspeeder Project...

No problem...I appreciate the thought though...

As I had stated before, we are planning to have a custom windshield made that will be pretty much dead on to what you see on screen...But it will definitely not be done in time for the big reveal in June.

One other possible change is that I may start out with a mostly "clean" speeder...And then weather it a little bit here and there over time...

While I would love to just take my time and do it right from the beginning, I'm getting low on time to make that June event...And I can always "beat it up" later :)

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

You might contact Disney's Dan Deutsch at the R2Builders. He made the one that appeared at C4 and it had a windshield. He seemed pretty helpful and willing to share resources.
Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Hey Chris...

Yeah, I saw Daniel's speeder...It turned out pretty nice.

I believe that Ron asked him about a windshield for mine, but he never got a definite response back. I may contact him myself and see what he says.

The speeder is coming along nicely...I had a few "issues" that I've had to deal with, but I should begin laying out the stripes this afternoon...

The golf cart had to go to the shop, and hopefully it will be ready tomorrow.

Barring any more setbacks, I should have some new pics of mine this weekend.

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

OK...So now I have a lead on a Derwent :D (thanks Kurtyboy)

I guess the next quest is to find out what the heck these are:


Anyone have a remote idea what it might be?

I'm sure I could find something that's close, or maybe scratch build something based on the pics...But it would be really cool to source the original part.

Any help is most appreciated...


Those appear to be phone jacks and possibly an analog rotary drum switch so my guess is part of an old phone switching system. If you do ever find what machine it came from be sure and look for the tube strips that go in the front opening of the speeder as they're probably from the same machine(and I really want to find them as they also go on the mousedroid):rolleyes

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Those appear to be phone jacks and possibly an analog rotary drum switch so my guess is part of an old phone switching system.

I was thinking some kind of telecommunications equipment too, but "phone jack" per se wouldn't have been around yet at the time of ANH production IIRC... Looks to me like some kind of fuse panel, maybe of the automotive nature...
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Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Hey Scot...

I've almost got the striping done on the body...Once that is done and I've painted the cockpit I'll post some more pics :)

I received the engines on Saturday and will start working on those this week as well...

The golf cart that I had sourced had some problems, and it was not ready in time for me to make the museum event this week...That has me pretty bummed out, but it was out of my hands.

Another plus is that Ron helped me source a resin Derwent Flame Tube for the exposed engine...:love

I'll try to have some new pics posted by this weekend.

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Actually, I have gotten a lot more done...Just need to take some good pics to post.

I took several pics after I painted the stripes, but the lighting wasn't very good...Not to mention the fact that the thing IS slightly pink, and without the proper weathering it tended to look like the "Barbie" speeder :lol

I'm planning on working on it over the upcoming holiday weekend, so I should have something new to show early next week.

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Sorry for the delay with the pics everyone...

I've been battling a particularly nasty sinus infection for the last three weeks, which has kept the landspeeder work to a bare minimum. :cry

However...I WILL definitely have some progress pics to show this weekend, if not before.

The basic body painting is all done, and I'm about 50% done with the weathering...This weekend will be dedicated to finishing the body weathering, the engines, and getting the golf cart stripped down to the frame.

I don't know if I'll have it all done in time for Halloween, but I am sure going to try. :D

Re: New Landspeeder Project...

Good morning everyone,

Well...Here's the pics that I promised some time ago...Obviously it is still a work in progress, but I think they give you a pretty good idea of how things are going :cool

Let me know what you think...













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