1:1 Bust Ideas

Hey guys im gonna be starting some 1:1 silicone head sculpts soon of some movie characters. Ive made a short list below of some of the ones that i wanna make but i'd also like to hear any suggestions or ideas of ones to make

Agent Smith ( Hugo Weaving)

Borg Queen ( Alice Krige)

Hannibal Lecter ( Anthony Hopkins)

Kyle Reese or Hicks from Aliens ( Michael Biehn)

Saruman or Count Dooku ( Christopher Lee)

Have to say I like the idea of Hicks as a bust
Forgive his past. I would love to see a Mel Gibson as Maverick or even a Mel and Danny from Lethal Weapon 1.

Also Val Kilmer from Willow or even Warwick Davis from the same.

I dont know if this has been done but the Avatar version of Sigourney Weaver ( She is hot anyways but she was more so in Blue)
Okay cool, what about video game characters and monsters. There would be loads of cool ones i think that havent been done to the best of my knowledge. Like a Solid snake or Gray Fox or maybe a licker or nemesis from resident evil( Game version).
I think Any clint eastwood is good. lol

I agree. I'd love to do a Clint display one day.

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