1:1 Arnold from Terminator 2 - Partial Mannequin Display WIP


Well-Known Member
Hi guys!

Obviously still a work in progress this one....

Now my Pinhead is done and dusted, my T3 sculpt is nearly done in the garage - I have directed my attention to my T2 display. It's a 'DBlank' Arnie bust which is reputed to be from a Planet Hollywood source.

I originally wanted a full size Arnold in my house, then my other half reminded me of the fact that I already have a full ROTJ trooper, ANH trooper and Full size Predator head in my house.....yikes!

So I compromised and decided on a partial mannequin.

I bought a HDPE blown plastic body with no head from Ebay for 20 pounds. Took off the neck, then added straps made out of sintra (foamex) to connect it to the Arnold bust on either shoulder, screwed nice and tight.

I wanted the screws and straps because I didn't want to permanently attach him to the partial display. I may still have a full Arnold at some point :p

I also extended his shoulders out to make him broader using plastic door stops either side.

Then, after asking you guys on measurements, I packed him out with bubble and duct tape until I thought he looked 'right'. 48" chest - 34" Waist. Then temporarily added the grey shirt to see what it looked like.

Then test fitted the 'real hair' wig I purchased. Trimmed it to thereabouts correct (I know it's still a bit long).

My next step, take everything off, paint him up. Then final trim the hair around the battle damage and weather the whole thing up.

I've also purchased a really weathered up biker jacket that will look perfect! I'm also rasing him up a bit, on some sort of stand.

On with the pix. More to follow once it progresses.







Should be a cool piece Steve, good job. Look forward to seein it painted up. Will it have an endo eye? I can't see one in the photos.
Great subject; cool idea for a half mannequin.

Hair seems a little dark. Reads as black in the photos. His real hair as we know is a reddish brown and was dyed/colored darker in the film... You may know that already.

The first "run" of these busts to see "daylight" was in fact a first or second generation cast of the PH bust. I'm nearly posititve there are third and/or fourth gen casts out there now.

My knowlege on the history of these busts is owed to another respected RPF member who helped me out a while back...
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Thanks! It's a start anyway.

Regarding the hair, the wig is actually a dark brown. A little darker than I would like, I see him with more of a mid brown colour.

It currently has blonde streaks at the front too (you may not see this on the shots) which I obviously want rid of.But the weird thing is, it wouldn't dye with a permanant hair dye. I tried it, nothing. I wondered if you had come across this? Wonder if it's coated in something?

Cool to think mine is an earlier gen cast, rather than a later one. It certainly doesn't feel small anyway and it's well made.

Regarding the endo eye, it did come with one but I haven't fitted it yet. The 2 part resin it was mixed with hadn't cured correctly, therefore it has remained 'squishy' to the touch. Just a slight press makes it go out of shape.

I contacted the seller re. this and he asked I return the eye to him (he's in the US, I'm in the UK) so he can look at it, then 'should be able to' send me a replacement.

I thought this a little much really. Taking the trouble and cost to post a teeny eye back to the states. Wait a week to get there. Then another week for a replacement? Seemed a pointless exercise.

If it was me, and considering the cost of this bust, a replacement would have been in the post that evening, no question.Anyway, rant over.

Cheers for the input,
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Check out this response....unbelievable. You'd think I was asking for the moon on a stick!

Hi Steve,

I understand you don't want to pay the shipping but please understand I can't afford to ship replacement parts without getting the defective parts back. I get many offers for just the small parts to be used for kits bought elsewhere or to replace parts that were damaged while being built.

Please understand I am not accusing you of being dishonest but I am just explaining the policy. Most other people would just say the kits are sold "as is".

If you want to cover my postage to you I will get you another eye or if there is another kit that I offer that you want to buy I would gladly include the eye, otherwise I will need the defective part back.



And my response:


I'm not going to send you a bean I'm afraid. I didn't buy this kit from you 'as is'. I bought the kit on the assumption that all parts would be fit to construct. Which I think is a fair assumption. The fact of the matter Dale, is that you have supplied me with an eye I cannot use.

I'm not asking you for an additional eye to use on another project. I'm also not going to buy another kit from you, in order to get a replacement part.

I'm asking for the eye I should have got in the first place. This isn't a replacement for a 'damaged in the post' item. This is a replacement for a 'not mixed correctly' item.

Considering the price of this bust Dale, I think a teeny replacement eye is neither here nor there.

When I have sold things to people, that have been anything but top knotch (which isn't often), I have supplied them with a replacement that night, asap. The reason I do this is reputation and good business practice.

If it were a replacement bust, or a demand for a bust that had not turned up, then I would understand your reluctance. But this is a thimble full of resin.

This is already taking up too much of my time. Please send me my eye as soon as possible please, otherwise I will have to take measures to rectify this situation myself.

It's left with you.

I found a pic which may be of some use to you. Took this last year at Planet Hollywood London:




You are, as ever, an absolute star. Thanks so much. I didn't have a shot like that. Do you have any more of him?

How is the Jason coming along?

Steve :thumbsup
Bit of an update.

Still early stages, but I bought a really worn out leather jacket on ebay.

Pointless buying a new one then weathering it up. This is naturally weathered!

Thought I'd try it on him just before painting and prep.





Steve, did you figure out how to lighten the colour of the Hair? Pay real close attention to the hair line on the left side of the face. The Epaulets on the shoulder will have to be removed from the Jacket, to make it a little more screen accurate. I just shot over 60 rounds of 9mm bullets into my Jacket, its looking realy battle damaged.
Hi Jerome

Thanks for the tips. The wig is not yet 'final'. It's simply sitting on the head right now. The battle damaged bits are to be trimmed away once painted.

I haven't yet figured how to lighten the hair. I may try blonding the whole thing, then redying it mid brown. But as I said before, it seemed to withstand normal dyes.


9mm bullets eh? Now that's what I call attention to detail!

Thanks for the comments. Steve :thumbsup
Steve, pay close attention to the left side Hair line. You might want to study lots of photos or screencaps of Arnies hair line. The Endo side (right) is easy since its damaged, its hard to mess that up since its already messed up :lol. Yep you might have to dye the hair Blond, then re dye it. Thats how the ladies do it.

You are, as ever, an absolute star. Thanks so much. I didn't have a shot like that. Do you have any more of him?

How is the Jason coming along?

Steve :thumbsup

You are most welcome, mate. Thanks for the nice words. :)

Unfortunately, the only othger Terminator pics I have taken are not so great. I'll post them here anyway in case they are of some use:

Madam Tussauds:


Another Planet Hollywood shot:


Endo in Hamleys:


Sorry they are not so good reference pics.

My lifesize jason Voorhees is coming alomg well! I have fitted the latex hands and he is almost finished now. :)


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Thanks Al

I like the T3 shot from Tussauds. Looks like it's based on an Arnie cast. Did it look lifelike up close?

I'm gonna have to get myself down the PH in London.

Thanks again, Steve :thumbsup
Steve, here is a pic of my damaged Jacket filled with 9mm holes, I might put a few more into it. I used my Steyr, I might have to use my Sig next time.


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Steve, I have this chest piece in the mail to me as we speak. I am going to use it as refrence to sculpt a battle damaged chest for my Arnie.