1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... (Final Pics Pg 3!!)


Sr Member
Hey Guys,

Here's an '84 Arnold bust that's been on the back burner for about 2 years now... finally pulled the bag off of him and had a chance to work on him today. This will done up in full silicone and have chromed parts under the skin, basilcally like the other Terminator busts I've done in the past. I'm aiming for the Winston 'puppet' version with the mouth open showing Arnold's awesome tooth gap.

Just have to get some final clean up and skin details and he'll be done ;)




Love to hear what you guys think!


Howard S Studios
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Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Looks great! Can't wait to see it finished.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

your a master....what more could really be said?
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Looking great !

Then again, is there anything you do that doesn't ? :lol

:thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Beautiful work as always Howard, cant wait to see a fully painted and "haired" up Arny.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Adding the trademark tooth gap & putting the chrome skeleton hydraulics in the cheek will be stunning.
The " Get Out! " pose is classic.

It is nice to see an original take on the original 80's Terminator that no one has attempted.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

You ARE an astonishing talent mate.. even the slight sulk in the downturned mouth that was so specifically Arnie at that age..

Lovin this for sure and will watch with interest…

High regards

Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Looking really nice howard. I'm happy that although we are both working on 84 arnies, they are going to be different versions as it's going to be inevitable that the 2 busts are going to be compared.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Wow Man Howard this is bloody cool. Im loving both yours and fettsters sculpts. Terminator 1 and 2 are my favourite films and seeing two sculpts going at once. what can i say. Brilliant
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Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

My favorite Arnold look..absolutely love the zombie-a-like appearance. Can't wait to see this one finished..I'd really love to have it.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Your batting a thousand Howard - you nailed Freddy and this T1 'puppet' looks equally as impressive! I love that your going to incorporate his trademark gap tooth. Can't wait to see this finished!
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

wow!!! howie another masterpiece in the making..i cant wait to see this done.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Love watching you work your magic!
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Looks like it's going to be another outstanding piece. Howard, I have wondered about casting the head of the Arnie I'm sculpting in silicon, but don't know much about the process. I realise I would most likey have to get a clay pressing and rework it, but is the process much the same as resin casing?

Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Looks really promising Howard. Yeah, those teeth WERE vintage Arnold
and would really be great. Can never get enough of vintage arnold!!!
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

This is super exciting, can't wait to see completed bust.
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Would be awesome if this could fit over the SS endo skull
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Wow, that's some crazy talent... Great job!
Re: 1:1 '84 Terminator (Arnold) Bust... 'Ran Over By A Truck' Version!!

Beautiful! Watching this one closely!!