Judge Death
This is my vision of Judge Death.

I always thought JD's helmet looked far too clean and crisp in the comics, everything about him was dead and decayed, yet his helmet was almost pristine. I decided to change this.

My vision has the helmet battered and worn, battle damage can be see on all sides, the front is chipped and scraped, a huge crack to the top of the helmet has spit the top of the visor grate. The only way to quickly repair the broken bars was for Death to twist and bend them back into place! This helmet has been to hell and back!!

I started this project last Sunday evening, nothing like leaving thing til the last minute eh?? I've clocked over 100 hours and I can safely say that it has been 110% enjoyable.

Best of look to all the other contestant, yet again I am truly marveled by the talent of the member of this forum.
Amazing job here. I agree, Death must have been fastidious about his bucket. Perhaps he had Mrs. Gunderson clean it for him on weekends?
I love the bent visor bars, great idea!
photo could have been better but nice as hell !

Media information

2013-02 - DREDD Helmet Contest
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