Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

Ah, Shaw. What fun fruit roll-up with will you roll up with next? Oh, you're now friends with David, repaired his body AND entrusting him with keeping you alive while you're in Hypersleep. Two minutes later?


Elizabeth Shaw. Who needs proof?

Well heres the evidence for the Genocide : Spoilers obviously

I do like the fact you can see the human skull again in the sculpture.

And Jeyl. Please,please don't start until the film comes out. It does at least look like Ridley has made an effort to set the groundwork out early in this. Somehow I think that footage is going to be in the film anyway but expanded. It seems rather odd to have revealed so much so early though......... and too see David attack without any "real" reason unless something has happened to Shaw.
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And Jeyl. Please,please don't start until the film comes out.

I so solemnly swear that everything I judge is based on what has been officially released to the public. And from what we have seen in comparison to how pathetic Elizabeth Shaw's character was in Prometheus, my judgement has been more than justified. She's still a single-minded and oblivious character who thinks everything will work out no matter how bad things have turned out to be. And that asinine "I don't need evidence. It's what I choose to believe." mentality is still on full force here. They're on an incredibly advanced *cough* human ship with super detailed interstellar maps showing where everything is, and Shaw just takes David at his word when he claims that it is impossible to tell how long it will take them to reach the Engineer's home world.

Ever heard of an ETA? It's kind of important because the "E" in ETA is 'Estimate'. It won't be 100% accurate but it does give a general idea of how long it will take to travel from point A to point B. Even the original ALIEN movie gave us that!

Lambert: According to my calculations, based on time spent getting to and from the planet-
Dallas: Give me the short version. How far to Earth?
Lambert: Ten months.​

Why not do something like that? Tell Shaw that the time it would take to reach the Engineers home world would take about a year or two, a journey that would require the use of being in hypersleep. Why not go with that instead of this questionable 'impossible to tell' jargon?

and too see David attack without any "real" reason unless something has happened to Shaw.

David needs a "real" reason to do anything?

David calls it compassion. I call it stupidity. Just go ahead and load the gun, chamber a round, and hand it to your assassin. That said, I liked the prologue. :)
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David calls in compassion. I call it stupidity. Just go ahead and load the gun, chamber a round, and hand it to your assassin. That said, I liked the prologue. :)

The BEST part in the whole thing was the little homage to Jerry Goldsmith's score from the original. As much as Jerry talks down about his time working on the original film, what he contributed was unmistakably genre defining. As much as I give Ridley Scott crap for taking this series in directions that are comparable to ALIEN3, I'm glad he never forgot Goldsmith.

Coincidently enough, homaging Goldsmith was also the best part of Prometheus.
Is that some sarcasm I detect joberg? I hope so, lol.

I don't have a problem with a few modified recognizable weapons being used here and there, but what a wasted opportunity not to introduce something new and iconic.
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Nope, no sarcasm here Soulinertia...just repeating what the weapon specialist on set said to A.Savage when asked about the various weapons used for the movie;)
I think the Thales F90 looks downright slick in comparison to the pistol with the red dot sight jammed on top, which looks like something found in an airsoft bargain bin. I think the word 'designed' is used in the losest possible sense in that video :lol
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